Did you know?

That most of the Villans become good? * Neflite: Ended up falling in love with Molly and then became good. * Ann and Alan: They found out that the Doom Tree was the Tree of Life and became good. * The Four Sister: One by one they were all turned good by Sailor Moon. * Saphire: I guess he was never really a Villan, but just followed his brother. But he ended up being good in the end. * Prince Diamond: He fell in love with Sailor Moon and ended up helping them against the Wise Man. * The Amazon Trio: Once they found out how Zerconia was useing them, they went on the Scouts side and ended up being given another chance by Pagasus. * The Amazon Quartets: They found out they were being used as well and ended up sideing with the Scouts. Then they ended up being Scouts. That a lot of the guys in the Japanese become girls in the English version? * Zoyicite was originaly a man but since he was with Malicite they changed him to a girl. * Fisheye was originaly a guy as well, but since he liked Darien, they made him a girl. * Although Haruka has always been a girl, she and Michelle were lesbians originaly, but they made them cusins. * That there was a deleted scene? In one of the episodes with Rubius there was a deleted scene. I believe it is in the episode where he ends up dieing. He is talking to Sailor Moon and Mini Moon and you can see the Sailor Scouts in the backround, on crosses. I do not know if it was just deleted from the English or if is wasn't in the Japanese version either. * That Jedite is still alive? Queen Beryl put him in eturnal sleep, but never killed him. If someone could find him and be able to wake him up. He could come back knowing who Mercury,. Mars, and Moon really are. * That Chibi Chibi is Galaxia's soul? When Sailor Galaxia went evil her soul left her to go try and help the Scouts. The only problem was all she could say was Chibi Chibi. That there is a Sailor Moon Play? * There is a play that is only shown in Japan of Sailor Moon. (If you look in the photo section you can see some pics from it.) * That the Four Generls were good? But it was only in the Manga. They all served Prince Darien and Queen Beryl was a maid if I remember corectly.