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The Final Fantasy Gang

This site is under heavy construction... Aya: "This site won't be updated for about a month because my computer crashed and I'm working on getting a new hard drive in it. The computer I'm using right now doesn't have any of the files I will using on it. So, please, sit tight."

Aya: "Alright, here we go. This is my first site so...bear with me."

Rufus: "But I thought you had more."

Aya: "Shush! They died two years ago!"

Rufus: "Ok, ok, ok..."

Aya: "Anyway, this site is mostly dedicated to Rufus Shinra. Although, there is going to be other FF characters on here also."

Rufus: *garden snap*

Aya: "I'm the webmistress for this site, Aya, and I will be writing fanfics, and posting pictures of everybodies favorite FF characters...minus Kefka." *shudder* "So, enjoy the site!"

Rufus: "And don't forget to buy mako energy!"

Aya: "RUFUS!!!"

The Pages!

Character Profiles