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let me tell you now. i don't make graphics. i never have and i never will. the only thing i have ever done with graphics was make the colors in the background transparent to some feathers. i am not the creator of any animes featured in my various pages. everything that i do will be under my name or my alias. My drawings are too weird to be common. i will know if you stole them. i know every char that i have ever drawn bc i have a certain style of drawing that is odd and unusual and easily identified. (not that its a good thing. juss a horrible habit) my poetry has been registered and copywrited. please refrain from stealing them. every layout you see on this site has been painfully done by me. i look through thousands of pages and html sites to find the scripts and html to do this. i spend hours trying to get a satisfactory position out of everything because i am not a web expert and i sorta fix as i go. if i find out that you are copying my stuff exactly ima stalk you! least change up the pixtures or sumthing. i seriously am thinking of using other people's layouts from dream graphics as well. giving them credit of course. because i dont have enough time to do all of them. but until then please...if you want something that belongs to me i.e. my hw, my drawings, my poems, my stories, juss ask. if you dun live near me i'll be glad to share the reports and essays i've done. and for personal uses only, i dont care if you show my stuff. i would wonder why you would want it...but that's not the point. juss dun try to make money off of me. im currently trying to do that. it would be bad if my own stuff became my competition :). anyhoo. basically this page says. i dun own any anime chars in my fan pages, i never made any of the backgrounds i use unless it says my name in the bottom right corner. and i thank god every day for front page and mystic's opaque script. and lemme tell you. you'd thnk that front page makes everything easy n all but it doesnt!! you actually have to know about the options in there to use it!! n i dont...hence my trial and error method of making pages...and to thnk when i was in middle school way back when, i was like the web genius.