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Rora's memories-

I was born in the north. My mother was very kind and gentle. She would sing to me when I was sad, and would read me stories of magic and fantasy. I know my name is Rora Baye simply because I had a blanket with my name on it when I was little. I had a brother, whom we called Julian. He was about two when my house was burned by raiders. I wasent killed because I was in the barn. Yes, I slept in the barn most of the time. I really loved animals. Well, I'm not quite sure why the raiders dident burn the barn as well, but I watched out the loft window as they distroyed my house. They beat my mother and brother. Tortured them. Stole everything in the house. I watched... and waited.

Even at the age of five I was growing with rage. I felt a power surge in me, but I dident know what to do with it. I waited till they left and the fires died. I buried my mother and brother Julian. I dident know my mothers name, so I could not have made a tombstone if I had wanted to. I still have nightmares, of their faces. Burned, bruised, bloody. I suppose that only fuiled my anger with the bastard bandits. I ran into the woods, letting my animal instincts take over. I became feral and called on my feral cousins to help me. I became one of them, we tracked down the bandits a week later. They were in a cave, not more than 5 miles from what was my home. They were drunken, obviously by the wine my mother made. The distinct smell was on them. My new family and I surounded them. We played with them like they were mice. We tortured them like they tortured my mother and brother. Out of 50, I killed 20 myself. Claws, teath and sheer anger I slaughtered twenty grown men, as they were in a drunken stupor. We went on to kill the women and animals they had stolen. Spoil all their supplys. To say the least , I had gone mad.

I have no idea how long I was with the feral wolf pack(the long lake pack). I know that one day, my mind suddenly cleared. I was in the den of our pack. Very far from anything I used to know. I looked around at my brothers, and sisters, seeing for the first time that I was different from them. Of course I am a wolf. But I had fingers unlike them(although short ones). I had hair on my head, longer than anyone else, and differently colored. Other very distinct female features set me off from my pack as well. I found a very old, worn dress in the back of the den, I can only assume it was my mothers. I put it on and stood up on my hind paws. A very odd feeling after what must have been a few years of walking on all paws. The alpha male, Long fang woke up. He walked with me for a while. We talked, and I told him of my wish to go back to civilization. He was saddened but walked me to the nearest town, Greyword.

There I befriended local children, played and got a job at the tavern. Eventually I gained enough money to buy clothing and other items, as well as rent out a loft in a farmer's barn. About 4 years past, working and saving money. After that I gained a large enough sum to go out on my own. I wandered around for a half a year untill I stumbled onto the lands of Furcadia. I was amazed to see how many kinds of furries were there and what diversity these furries had. I joined a village, Lotus Village, where I was well accepted by all. I lived there, cooked, and gained many friends even the close friendship of the leader Lord Sima. I helped him build new buildings for the village, along with what would have been a new wolf pack den. But sima notified everyone that he was leaving, and would never come back.

Did I forget to mention that I had found a mate at Lotus? I met Rien Loinnir at the Black Dragon bar, in Lotus. Mostly we just sat, read books, drank lemon tea and watched the other visitors to the bar. One night we were out and away from the village with two other friends, Spike and Crysania. Spike dared me to kiss Rien. I did, and shortly left. A few days later, we met in Spike's dream, we wondered into a secret garden he had and made love. Our relationship was good, although only consisted of us yiffing. We could never find things to talk about. Both of us are rather talkative, when with other people. The problem was that when one of us was in a group of friends and the other joined, everyone else left. Oddest thing ever.

I began to grow adventurous and I had a slight phobia of becomming too tied down or too dependant on others. So I packed a few things, and left for the nearest sea side town. There I borded a boat and became a pirate. On the ship the men called me Rory, and I was one of them. I gained a sword, the Green Wolf, and learned to fight with it and many other wepons. My favorite was always the sword.

One night I stumbled apon a book, in the book was many spells and a history of many magicians and gods. One, named Simon Baye was a great magician. He married a woman named Falice, a wolf furrie who did little magic but was very good at healing spells. It said that he had a daughter, and then a son with her, and left. Also that he was Immortal, and part god. A picture was next to this discription, a huge wolf furrie with ram's horns comming from his head. He looked very fierce but in his eyes I could see a kindness that I remembered. I remembered playing whith this huge man when I was little. How much he loved my mother. He would take me fishing, and would tell me of the wolf packs around my home. I remember now how he left shortly after my brother was born, I don't know why. But I did gain an understanding of why I was more powerful than any other female pirate I had yet seen. Why, when angery a teal aura surounded me. Or when I used Green wolf(my sword) how it glowed slightly teal as well. I took the book and taught myself to use my magic. To summon, to heal, to conjure, to distroy, to attack.

One day my ship The Dawn's Fire came apon another ship that was supposedly harboring allot of stolen money and captives. We boarded the ship and quickly killed all in charge. I was then sent to look in the gallys at the captives and the stores. There were many femmes, obviously sex slaves; many strong males of all species and one fairly muscular canine, although rather normal in appearance sitting on a barrel of apples chained at both ankles but casually reading a book of spells. I dident know at the time that he would become the love of my life. We became friends right away after I set him free. At nights we just sat around the bar on the ship, jokeing and goofing off when I found myself falling in love with him. I confessed my feelings to him, through letter, which he replyed to. He said that he had felt exactly the same way, but would not ask me out in a letter. We went to a bar, and strolled along the beach. He reached out to hold my hand and I pulled it back asking "Since when do you get the privilage of holding my hand?" he replyed "Because we are going out, silly". I proceded to argue the opposite, then he asked and of course said yes. We have now been together for over 10 months( only the gods know when I will update this page to make it accurate again ;). Lately I have come to enjoy a lazyness that I had not endulged in in my younger years. I sit back and remember those times growing up when I was all alone, and now, I have many friends and a boyfriend for support.

When I finally felt secure enough in my magic, I went back to furcadia. Befriended many people, found Rien again and became friends. I started a few bars, The Growling Forest bar being one of them.

I have no idea how old I am, due to all that time with the Long Lake pack. I know that since awakening, I have not changed in apperance at all. From what I have gathered, I look to be in my younger twentys. I have looked that book of magic over many many times. I have tryed to find secrets in it useing spells, but it is protected. I will just have to hope that someday I will find out who exactly my father was, and how it will effect me.

I come to assume that I may be immortal, due to the fact that I havent aged in twelve years. Or the fact that I did not drown when I was tossed off the boat during a storm. Or that when I was in a fight abord the ship I was stabbed, and what would have been a very fatal wound only became a very small scar on my left breast.

He asked me to marry him(September 22nd, 2002)! Yes, I am now engaged to Westley and I couldent be happyer. He gave me this beautiful silver ring, inlaid with dimonds and to top it off, it has a gorgous red rubie right in the middle. I can't wait till we are married :).

I suppose this is the end of my story so far. If you see me in furc, feel free to come talk. I love talking to new people.


If you would like me to make you a dream send me and email listing a few things.

(1) What kind of dream. In the woods, city, country, land or water, ect.

(2) How many houses and specifics for the houses, what kinds they are and colors of the floor and chairs thars that you would like.

(3) What kinds of patches to you want in the dream. Item, player and portrait patches.

(4) What kinds of Dragon Script do you want? This makes things like waves, locks, stairs, and other things.

Once you send me all of that, I will contact you to let you know when I can get started and how you want to pay me. If you have any questions feel free to ask. ^.^


Furcadia! YAY!
