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Welcome to RemoteVille! The virtual town!

You are in Olde RemoteVille
To New RemoteVille
To Downtown RemoteVille
This town is one of the most advanced there is. Collect Virtual Points and buy items for your online entity!

This is RemoteVille's mayor, monkeycheeser. I am now opening up a new RemoteVille, based on this one. It wll be faster, better, and easier for us to manage, making it a lot better. The new site is here. And for those of you who are new, look around this site, and under "Town Info" on the new site, to see what it's all about. I am also making a new RemoteVille on this site, which will be just like this one, except with more features and will really make RemoteVille into "a virtual town". Enjoy!

Nightmares Shop (owner Nightmare999)(closed)

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