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Magic Knight Rayearth RPG

Welcome to a MKR RPG. They're aren't many out there so I thought that I would create one. This RPG focus wil be more on the second season of MKR, but you can still be the characters that only appear in the first season if you wish. Since I just started it all the characters are still avaible, except Hikaru because that's my character. E-mail me about what character you wish to be and I'll post it. As soon as we get enough, we can start the RPG! Have fun! And be sure to read the rules!

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Hey I have a quick announciment! I bought all the MKR2 episodes of DVD, so that means I have all my tapes I want to get rid of. I have the entire MKR2 season on tapes, but they are dubbed. If you or you know someone who would want to buy them just e-mail me!

Taken Characters
Character Profiles
RPG Room
