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Power Upgrade!

Great, another list

My navigation ,because this is much easier to control.

a breif history of me who else
Gif stuff
My evil Zone Shrine
My twisted fan art, Drawn with twisted intent.


I can't believe this !!!
My site is so dead!. running out of mb,
gettting yelled at , and , and and I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!

Well at least I have made a new wallpaper!

October 27 to November 4th.

So, I uploaded a my megaman stuff,but I didn't arrange it yet.
So this week the site should be ready for the world.
Also the Megamanpage is now up!

The week of october 14th

Well, I am going to add more stuff,
Dragon Ball Z,
Mega Man X,
Gifs and anything else I have left.

My fan art is way to big for my scanner, boo hoo...
and my images won't look proper.

Things just don't go my way.
So I am going insane.
I am giving up.

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