Ph.obic/\Galeria.ns : Rh.unic/\




The light seemed to have been reached..but in reality it was only getting farther and farther away from me all the time..


For the meantime...I had a place I could run to...A person I could talk to..


Dr. Riko had been arrested...and I had a reward on my head...dead or alive...


I keep running...just waiting for the day when I'll give out and they'll catch me


I'll never let them catch me...


I'd die first....


8:00 AM

Lilia awoke, to find herself wrapped in Rion's arms tightly. She stretched, wiggling away as well as she could without waking him. She sat on the edge of the bed, getting up to put a shirt on. She also put her pants on, and sat down on the bed and lay next to the snoozing blonde. He shifted, and cracked open a sleepy eye. He stretched, sitting up next to her. She smiled, a sure sign of good things.

"Mom says you can stay.." She gave him a gentle kiss, handing him his shirt. He took it, putting it on, along with everything else. He looked around, finding his collar and putting it back on his neck with Lilia's assistance. He fixed his shirt, laying back down. He sighed, staring at the ceiling.

"My mom's too scared of you to say no.." She silently giggled to herself.

"Aww, Lil, I was only playing with her..."

"Well, you scared the shit out of her is what you did." Rion gave a snicker, stretching again, and they got up together to go get breakfast. Lilia's mother was waiting there, plates for both of them sitting on the table already.

"Eat up, you've got a big day.." She stared at Rion out of the corner of her eye. She didn't trust the boy at all, after that little ordeal. She still didn't want any boy making out with Lilia. And she still thought that he could and would do any of the things he'd mention to her in an instant, no thoughts.

"So," She directed conversation towards Rion casually. "Where do you come from. Tell me about yourself." Rion was silent, swallowing his food, and still being silent, until he spoke a few moments later.

"Well, My name is Rion Steiner, I'm about 19, and I was at a hospital for most of my life getting experiments done on me so that damn doctors could see what makes me tick. I know a few people from the Michelangelo Hospital, like Dr. Pascale, and my father and mother. And Lem..." The mother was interested now, as he went on the life long story, with some input by Lilia.

"Yeah, my dad put this thing in Lilia's head, and some thing in mine, and we killed Dorothy...but now..." He put his fork down gravely. "I have reason to believe that she's still out there. Or else why would Thyme want to find all the Galerians? It makes no sense." He shook his head. The mother now felt sorry for him, if anything. His parents where killed, the poor child was kidnapped and put into an experimental hospital. Rion spoke to Lilia now.

"And what Cain had told me still runs through my head every day. What if Rion did die...Am I relay just a copy...?"

"Don't ever listen to that You-wanna-be, all the things he told you where fake. Dorothy told him to tell you just to catch you off guard and confuse us. You're the real Rion.." She looked him up and down with a smile. "You have to be.."

The mother wondered about this other person they where talking about, but choose not to ask, for fear of another life story. She did her dishes, and Rion and Lilia went somewhere else. Lilia had taken him to her room, to talk.

"So, how have things been there?"

"It was horrible." Rion lay down, thinking of the horror of that place. "They kept injecting me with this stuff called Carnage...It hurt like frickin' hell...but Dr. Riko...he was always good to me..He was the only one that really had any values I guess. I wonder if he's alright.." He took out the phone from the backpack he's set down. "His number's on here." He dialed, and the phone rang a few times, before a man answered.

"Dr. Riko here."

"This is Ri..."

"Rion? Are you alright? How have you been handling everything?"


"Oh I'm alright. They let me out of jail without a punishment. I didn't do anything wrong..." He snickered.

"Well, I found Lilia and..I've got a place to stay for now.."

"That's great. You really ought to come over sometime." Rion thought.

"How about today? Are you busy?"

"No, not at all. Come on over." He gave Rion the address, which he quickly scribbled onto a piece of paper, and hung up after goodbye.

"We're gonna go to Dr.Riko's place."

"Is it safe?" Lilia looked at him, her concern growing.

"Yeah. He's a really good friend." Rion packed his things, taking Lilia outside and walking to the place. They arrived not that long after they left, surprising that the guy lived so close. Rion knocked on the door, and was greeted by a nice young woman.

"Oh, you must be Rion, come on in." She ushered the two in, and set them in the living room, offering a drink. Rion took a look around. It was a humble little abode, not much to look at, save for a few nice photos on the wall. The lady came back with the drinks, and went to get the doctor.

"Rion! Nice to see you again!" The doctor came out, but there was something wrong. He was in a wheel chair!

"What happened??" The doctor looked down, laughing.

"Oh, just a little run in with a car. No big deal...can't walk anymore though. So, enough about me, how are you? Come here for a moment." Dr. Riko checked his heart and everything, and concluded that the boy was perfectly fine.

"So, how's everything going? You need to use any of those drugs yet?"

"No, I've been alright."

"You'll probably need them soon. I wouldn't loose those Delemetor if I where you...those things keep you alive."

"Yeah..I know." He bowed his head, thinking about that whole incident he had last time. The doctor changed the subject to a lighter one.

"So that would be your girlfriend, yes?" Lilia looked at Rion blushing.

"I guess you could say that.." She said, clinging to his arm.

"He's quite the young man now. I'm sure you two will be great together." Lilia smiled again, leaning her head on Rion's shoulder. The doctor pulled out something from his wheelchair.

"And, I've also got something for you Rion. It's the raw elements of Carnage, but without the pain. I tried it out on myself. And I injected something else in the meantime. So, you can use this now."

"What does it do besides being a pain?"

"The question really is, what doesn't it do? It can blow things out of orbit, knock humans back for miles, start disastrous Earth problems, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, tsunamis, you name it! And all with the power of the mind. You could blow up some tall buildings with this concoction." Rion watched intently, taking the vile from the man, and shaking it in the bottle, watching the fluid flop around. Lilia watched it as well.

"Your little girl there could use it too."

"She doesn't take PPECs. She's probably get sick." Lilia nodded in agreement. It wasn't safe for her to down things like that. "I could see how it works. How much do you take at once?"

"There's the thing." The doctor became serious, fixing his attention on Rion and only Rion. "That is a very dangerous mixture. You can only take a few ccs at a time. The whole thing would kill you. Even a little bit could kill you. I had done research on the toxin, and I found out that Thyme had taken the basic raw elements of Red and D-Fellon and twisted the components into a new mixture, then adding the Nalcon. It came up with this Carnage. Very difficult to re-make, it takes hours of backbreaking work to put that together. To get rid of the side effects, I had to take it apart and remove a bit more of the Nalcon. It was causing the spasms. It is safe now, if taken in small dosage, and Rion, I mean small." He took a finger, pointing to almost the bottom of the vile. That much. Only a little more than a teaspoon was by the bottom of his finger. Rion almost gaped. He needed to take a whole thing of any other PPEC to get the full results, and only a teaspoon for this? The doctor stayed grave for a moment, before returning to his cheery self.

"Anyhow, that's how it works, and you can use it now. It would be better though," He handed Rion a small needle. "If you took it through the arm, and not your neck, because it would go strait to the brain and be far to overwhelming. You understand all this, Rion?" The blonde nodded. Perfectly. Lilia spoke up.

"Are there any after affects with any of this?"

"Well, yes. There are effects to any of the PPECs, so really this one is no different. Once it's all out of the system, you might feel a bit dizzy, and that's normal. Now, if you decide to try and work with this, and you start feeling sick, like a fever or anything, you get what you can out, and come to see me right away. The other PPECs have small effects, unnoticeable with you obviously. But, Carnage, is very different. Those others don't real do anything, but Carnage will speed up the shorting effect, so you have to have a counter pill with you at all times. I'm, sure you can see the danger in this." Rion nodded. This was going to be harder than he thought.

"So, was this stuff around when I was at Michelangelo?"

"No, It was still being tested in labs. But, it's out now. And you be careful not to break the vile. That shit cold burn through the pavement." He laughed. Rion put the stuff away in the backpack, and sat back down calmly.

"So, you haven't had any trouble then?"

"No, not at all. Haven't seen anyone looking for me."

"They will be soon Rion. People are setting up organizations for the re-capture of any experiments or Galerians to bring them back to the hospital and experiment, or kill. You'd be the dead one." Rion's eyes widened. Not again. He was running again, and he didn't even know it. "You'd do good do keep yourself under wraps until this whole thing blows over. Then you'll be alright. Jus don't make a public display of yourself, and you'll be fine." Lilia cuddled up close to Rion, holding on to him, like she'd never let go.

"You're not going anywhere. If they take you, they're going to have to take me with them." Rion smiled, knowing that somebody really cared enough about him to make that statement.

"Well, we ought to be going." Rion stood, taking his things with him, and Lilia, and going out the door. Dr. Riko waved to them happily, and went back to doing nothing.

The couple stopped at a local restaurant for a bit to eat, when Rion had seen the new broadcast. 'Reward for anyone who brings in these suspects.' The television threw out a bunch of pictures, accompanied by names. They kept reeling by, one after the other. It came to one he almost instantly recognized.

"Birdman?? He's dead! Rita? Rainheart? They're all dead! Hey! Cain?!" He was completely confused, as the names of some of the people he'd killed went by. He almost couldn't imagine the fact that there was a birdman running around. He thought, about what would happen if somebody happened to see him, and mistake him as Cain. Now that would be a problem. Lilia had noticed Cain on there as well. She knew he was dead. The names and pictures came by, until they stopped at a recognizable person. Rion Steiner. Blonde hair, 5'7, blue eyes, occasionally in a white T-shirt and khakis. Collar around the neck." Rion took a look at himself, taking off the collar and stuffing it in his pants. He wasn't used to it not being there, but unfortunately, he had no choice. The two left, going into an alley. Rion got rid of the T-shirt, leaving him in a black shirt he had under it.

"That ought to be alright." He fixed his hair a bit differently as well. They went back out, and Lilia almost screamed.

"They want me to Rion! What do they want with me??" Rion looked on the board. Yes, Lilia was there. Exactly what she looked like as well. They hurried back to her house, Lilia slamming the door behind her and leaning against it, crying. Rion just held her close, trying to calm her down in any way he knew how. She fell into his arms weeping. There was no reason why they would want her. She had no power beside Telekinesis, and she couldn't hurt anyone. Rion led her back to her room, setting her down on the bed to cry comfortably. He walked out, sitting in the frontroom to stare out the window to the city below. People walked by, cars, animals, children. He saw another figure walking down the street as well. Long black hair, and two toned eyes. He ran down the stairs and out the door, stopping the figure outside the door. The man stopped suddenly, surprised at the blonde's reaction. He recognized him a moment later.


"Birdman." They stared at each other for a moment. Rion jumped as the man put out a hand. Rion slowly took it, and they shook. Birdman knew full well that he was wanted. Rion brought him inside. Lilia had gotten over her crying streak, walking out to greet the stranger, and screaming as soon as she saw him.

"Rion are you crazy?! Get him out!"

"Lilia," He went over to calm her down. "It's alright. He's not going to hurt you. Shush, you're going to attract the whole neighborhood!" She was silent, staring at the two toned Birdman in her frontroom. She saw it a moment later. She could see fear in his eyes. He was just as scared as she was.

"Thanks..." He managed to spit out. Birdman was not used to saying kind things to an enemy. He stared at the ground. Rion went over to him, putting a hand on the man's shoulder. He almost leaped into the air, but calmed himself down quickly. Rion pulled out a pill, and handed it to him. He took it gratefully, and was soon much less jumpy.

"What is going on. I thought you where dead."

"I thought I was dead to short stuff. Then, poof! Here I am, good as new, and better. And how."

"So, where's the others?"

"Don't know why I'm telling you, but they're in some run down old place on the outskirts. It's the only place they can stay. I came around looking for other like us. Found one." He pointed at Rion. "No Cain anywhere."

"Good. I can't stand another minute of that kid. He was just so like..."

"You?" Birdman added.

"Yes, like..hey! No, not like me at all!" Lilia almost smiled, but the thought of a crazy experiment of Dorothy's in her house silenced her.

"Man, I gotta get out of this town." Birdman sighed, leaning into the couch. "That shit they're spreading is everywhere." He turned on the TV with a flash of his eyes. The lineup was still there, and the news dude was still talking. He turned it off, disgusted. "You have anything to chow on?" Rion went to the fridge and threw some stuff at him, which he quickly caught and set down to make a sandwich.

"Too bad everyone else can't live here. It's really nice."

"Lilia?" Rion looked at her. She nodded. If you're gonna have one, you might as well have them all. Birdman used his telekinesis to talk to them, and they where there an hour later. Rita said her courteous hellos, and Rainheart said nothing. Lilia watched them, completely scared out of her mind. Rita giggled at her terrified expression, only silencing them with a pissed look from Rion.

"I'll let you know," She started talking to Rion. "That you're considered our leader now..You're the strongest.." Rainheart spoke.

"Ever since mother...I thought she was strong.." Birdman took him by the shoulders violently.

"Don't ever talk about mother like that! She was a good mother! Where would you be without her huh??" Birdman yelled at him, making him cower and cry by Rita. She scolded Birdman.

"Why are you always so rough with him?" Birdman sighed, leaning in on the couch again. Rainheart just sat close to Rita, who comforted him. Lilia went over to lean in Rion's arms. He was their leader now by majority vote. He sighed, sitting by Birdman with Lilia. She sat on the other side of the couch so she didn't have to go near him. Rita spoke up again.

"So, now that we're here, what are we gonna do now?" Birdman didn't know, Rainheart was to distressed to care, Rion hadn't the slightest clue, along with Lilia, how they where going to tell her mother that they had some new guests.

"I don't like this...I don't like it at all..." Rainheart just said the same things over and over again. Rion almost felt sorry for the group of outcasts. They had lost their only family, a computer, and now they roamed around with nothing, and nowhere to go. They didn't even really have any money.

"Look, we're gonna have to find something to do. I'm not going to stand around a house all day.." Rita stood to her feet, about to walk out. Birdman stopped her.

"You're not leaving. It's too dangerous out there. You'll get caught."

"And since when do you care about anyone but yourself?" He huffed.

"I care about you alright..?" He stood in her way, not letting her go past him. She closed her eyes, opening them back up with a small smile.

"So the great Birdman actually has a heart.." She said sarcastically, sitting back down. Rion said nothing, just watched the Galerians talk among themselves for a while. Rita flipped on the TV, gasping.

"It seems that we have captured one of the Galerians on the list, Cain." She turned it off. That was too much. Rion gave a sigh of relief. Birdman grunted, staring out the window. Rainheart cried.

"I don't wanna go back..I don't wanna shot..."

"I'm gonna tell them where you are if you don't shut up.." Rita got up, shoving Birdman.

"Stop it, he's already scared as it is!"

"Jesus! Talk about a total 180 on me! He's just a little whiney brat!"

"He can't help it! What's your problem? You never change, you know that?"

"Well, that's just peachy...Perfectly peachy."

"Shut up bastard." Birdman cocked an eyebrow.

"Oh come on, you know you want me...."

"Ohgh...shut up.." She went over to Rainheart, hugging him tight.

"How could you pick that little runt over me?"

"Can you shut up?" Birdman was silent, crossing his arms and staring out the window indignantly. Rion said nothing again, unable to figure out just what was going on. Apparently those two didn't have a very good relationship. Lilia just moved all the closer. Rita watched him.

"It's good to see at least you have a friend..." Rion looked up at her. She was smiling at him quietly, hugging Rainheart close. He kept talking about needles, and how much he hated them. She assured him that nobody was going to stick him with anything. Only then did he calm down. Rion pulled out his bottle and gave a pill to each of them as well. They took them, and Rainheart fell asleep soon after, snoozing in Rita's lap. Lilia had gone to sleep on Rion's shoulder, and birdman continued to stare out the window.

"Galerians don't do well cooped up in small places..."

"You got that right.." Rion nodded, but there was nothing they could do about that. Rita watched the blonde.

"So, why did you help us anyhow?" Rion gazed at her for a moment.

"We're all in for the same thing...might as well work together for once. They'll catch us all anyhow if we don't.." She forced a smile, but they all knew that there was no escaping their fate. Birdman watched Rion as well.

"So, you're the strongest're the leader..what are we going to do now?" Rion switched his glance.

"Don't know. Lilia's mom doesn't even know you're all here..." Birdman stifled a laugh. "And don't worry. I've already scared her enough...I'll tell her you're all like me. Don't have to show her.." Rita sighed, shifting uncomfortably in her seat. Rion pulled Lilia closer to him, running a hand through her hair.

"What do they want with her I wonder..." Rita watched Lilia snoozing.

"Don't know. She isn't like us.."

"Nope. Harmless. Can't believe I ever wanted that girl..." Birdman huffed to himself. "What is up with that?" He stared out the window again, before turning his gaze back to the rest of the group again.

"We could find a base to stay in or a headquarters..I don't know..." Rainheart shifted in his sleep, making a grumble, before snoozing again. Rita smiled.

"Well, you all can't stay here..." Rion looked at the clock. Lilia's mother would be coming home very soon. He thought about it. "Birdman, can you teleport far away.."

"Only a few feet. Nothing more."

"Damn." He thought again. "I'll just have to go out and find a place. This is going to be harder than I thought. Oh well, at least I can live here.."

"So, we're going out house hunting..but it's got to be abandoned...right. Really nice homely place." Rita said sarcastically. Birdman sighed, putting his hands behind his head.

"I can go out night.."

"Sure, that'll work. And Rita can come with for backup. I'll keep an eye on Rainheart." Rion agreed to it.

"Why leave him behind?"

"Because he's a runt..."


"Sorry..." He shifted, leaning on the arm rest. "Can't help myself."

"You better start helping yourself, because if you hate him so much and you get into a jam when he's older and stronger, don't think he's gonna be the one saving your ass." Birdman rolled his eyes. Like they'd live that long anyhow.

"Right, well Lilia's mom is coming in." Rion shook the girl awake. She stretched, and went to the door cheerfully. The mother walked in.


"What do you want?"

"What would you say if I said that we had three Galerians in our house?"

"Like Rion?"

"Worse that Rion..."

"I'd say get them the hell out of my house...why?" She looked up from the banister, catching a glimpse of Birdman glaring down at her. She shrieked, waking Rainheart from his nap.

"What was that for birdbrain?" He stared at him coldly, before turning back to the screaming lady on the stairs. Rita looked over there as well, along with the innocently smiling Rion.

"Oh no...They're not staying.." Rion snickered.

"Remember what I said I could do?"

"Yes why?"

"What if I said they could do four times worse?" She was silent, unable to say anything. These killers where in her house..and she would get arrested if anyone found out they where there. "And anyhow, they're homeless.."

"Fine...but not forever. I don't want to have to buy groceries every other day!" Lilia kissed her mother, running back up to the rest of them. Rainheart was still half asleep, so he didn't know what was going on. He just smiled, going back to sleep. The mother came upstairs to get a better look, and she saw all three of them. She saw Rita first. She thought she looked like some whore that worked at one of those gentlemen clubs down town. Birdman looked like a two toned eye hillbilly, and Rainheart was just fat. It was just then that she realized just how normal Rion was compared to the rest of them. Birdman walked forward, shaking her hand with a smile. Rita nodded, and Rainheart snoozed. Rion did nothing. Lilia hugged her mother, going back to Rion, and sitting in his lap.

"Looks like we have a full house mom!"


All three presumably dead Galerians where at Lilia's house....

I didn't know what to make of it...and I thought our plan to get a new house would go along smoothly...

It didn't...A loss on the part of the Galerians...

But as they're here, I can't help but feel that I am one of them....


Ohh....evilness...I'm not quite done yet!! Keep reading!