Disclaimer: Weiß Kreuz and its characters do not belong to me. Trust me. If they did, there would've been enough yaoi in the series to scare ppl. The song "You Think You're a Man" is by Full Frontal, and was in the show "Queer as Folk". XD The lyrics are in italics.


Turn around
stand up like a man and look me in the eye.
Turn around
take one final look at what you've left behind.
Then walk away
from the greatest lover you have ever known.
yes walk away
you're telling me that you can make it on your own
By yourself all alone without my help
mister you just made a big mistake.

Schuldich lowered his cigarette, turning to face the man standing on the other side of the bedroom. "Where do you think you're going?"
The other man kept his back stiffly to his bedmate, pulling on his jeans and zipping them. He reached wordlessly for his shirt.
Schuldich watched him for a moment silently, his face a mask of unconcern as he took another long drag from his cigarette. His lover shoved his feet into his shoes and finally turned to glare at him.
"I'm leaving," he said in clipped tones.
Schuldich smirked. "So soon?"
The slender man's eyes narrowed. "For good," he clarified coldly.
Schuldich arched a brow at him, his mouth twitching in a frown. "Come again?"
"I'm sick of your little games, Schuldich," the younger man snapped, pushing his bangs from his face and walking over to retrieve his car keys from the bedside table. "Find another fucktoy."

You think you're a man
but you're only a boy
You think you're a man
you are only a toy.
you think you're a man
but you just couldn't see
You were not man enough to satisfy me.

Schuldich was across the room and around the bed in a few long strides. He grabbed the man's shoulder and wrenched him around, meeting his startled gaze. His cigarette hung from teeth bared in a fierce, mirthless smile. "I don't remember saying you could leave," he said, steel beneath the playful tones. "I'm not finished with you yet, chibi."
His lover pushed him away angrily. "Let go of me," he said hotly. "I'm tired of your shit. I'm leaving- and you can't stop me."
"How very mature," Schuldich drawled, fighting to hold his temper.
The other man ignored him, shouldering past and shoving his keys into his pocket, leaning over to pluck his watch from the floor by the closet.
Schuldich watched him from beneath hooded lids, not moving to stop him until his quarry was actually heading out the bedroom door. He intercepted him, barring the way with his arm and giving his angry mate a cold smile. "Let me warn you, kitten, that if you walk out this door, don't expect me to take you back in when you come crawling back."
"It's not going to happen, asshole," the supple man snarled, and pushed him aside, stalking out of the room.

Shut the door
take a look around and tell me what you find.
Shut the door
take a giant step for you and all mankind.
Then don't come back
I always gave you so much more than you deserve
No don't come back
'cause no one makes a fool of me
You've got a nerve to walk away
mark the words I'm gonna say
Mister you just made a big mistake

Schuldich lounged in the doorway, too proud to follow him. He sneered, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched his plaything look through the den closet for his jacket. "Fine, then, kitten," he said mockingly. "Have fun out there in the real world. But don't say I didn't warn you."
"Shut up, Schuldich." Angry eyes flashed upwards briefly to meet his. "That's the last time I let you do that to me. You've got some nerve, asshole."
Schuldich threw back his head and laughed derisively. "How bold, kitten! Mou, are you jealous? Your lover goes for a quick roll in the hay with your cocky partner and you hit the roof?" He shook his head mockingly. "You took this thing too seriously, Weiß."
"And Crawford?" The man turned to stare hard at him. "I'm not stupid, Schuldich," he said icily. "You can't keep your pants on around anyone, much less me. Your life revolves around sex and making people miserable."
"It's what I do," Schuldich said with a dramatic sigh.
His visitor gave a disgusted snarl and headed for the door.

You think you're a man
but you're only a boy
You think you're a man
you are only a toy.
you think you're a man
but you just couldn't see
You were not man enough to satisfy me.

"Don't think I'll miss you if you leave," Schuldich called quietly, and his lover hesitated, hand on the doorknob. Schuldich smiled ruthlessly. "I can always find another like you. But good luck finding a lay as good as me." He chuckled cruelly. "Ah, wait... I was your first. I'd almost forgotten. Well, then... Have fun chalking up any other lovers you might get against me."
"You arrogant ass," the man hissed, turning slightly to glare venomously.
Despite the furious look, Schuldich caught a flicker of emotion flashing across the young man's thoughts: Hurt. Betrayal. Schuldich glued his smirk in place and tried not to grind his teeth. "I do what I'm good at," he said humbly. He wiggled his fingers for good measure. "Ta-ta, Lovely. Have a nice life."
"Don't call me that," the man snapped automatically; it was habit. Schuldich had to bite down on an amused laugh.
"All right, then... Aya," Schuldich said slowly and deliberately. "Go back and attend to your weed shop." He couldn't resist a parting jab. "And tell Kudou he's welcome to stop by any time." He grinned suggestively.
Fury and- there was that hurt again -flared up in Aya, and he glared fiercely at the tall German, teeth clenched hard. He didn't respond, yanking the door open forcefully.
He slammed the door hard enough to rattle the pictures on the walls.
Schuldich stood for a long moment, resting against his bedroom doorway, the smile gone from his face. He watched the front door for a while, as if half expecting the pale assassin of Weiß to return, but a moment later he heard the familiar sound of Aya's engine in the driveway. His smirk felt forced as he glanced over his shoulder at the bed where he had made love to the crimson haired man just last night.
"Who do you think you are?" he muttered to the empty room.
There was no answer, only the echoing feeling of loss. Not even the Mastermind could decide whether the sense was from his departed lover
or himself.

You think you're a man
but you're only a boy
You think you're a man
you are only a toy.
you think you're a man
but you just couldn't see
You were not man enough to satisfy me.

Author's Notes: -_-; Um... Don't ask. When I listen to this song for some reason this scene (or something like it) always runs through my head. It seemed like the perfect Schuldich song. ^.^; Short, ne? Ah well... la... *wanders off to write something else*

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