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Paper Crane-The Anime Tripage Extrodonaire









The Tripages-better than Digitamamon's Soup!

My Homepage Protecting Furret! Updates

7-8-02: I know we haven't updated in a while...we've been busy! Anime Expo and all(That ruled!). We added the Lito Shrine. I suggest highly you look at's VERY important! It is in memory of a close friend who always listened and never complaned. Please, sign the guestbook!

5-13-02: EEE!! Chi-sama here, letting you know that Zenki actually got off his butt and did something other than the guestbook(yes, that was him)...he doesn't have anything except the main page, but hey, let's give him credit, huh? Oh, and delayed update: The fun page is up! Eek!! Zenki has also scolded me, the great Chi-sama, for not giving him credit for the fun page! Gomen, Zenki!!

Chimon here, reminding you all to recommend this place to your friends...(when we update enough...)...and to respect your elders and betters! Chabro the Rabid Charmander has left the Silver Cave for the same reasons I left, so she'll be seen hanging around here, too. Look sharp-Zenki will be here to hand out information about his show! Keep watching for more updates.

P.S.: Watch out for penguins with mallets!

Note: The counter is going haywire. We are trying to pinpoint the problem, but to no avail...and we refuse to take down the 100-hits banner, for that's what it was the last time we checked. Gomen for the problem...we'll keep working!

>We adopted Charbo/Wormy!I adopted Inuyasha!