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OAAO: Otaku Anime Acception Organization!

Welcome to the OAAO Website!! We here at OAAO are glad that you have stopped by and hope that you look around.

OAAO stands for Otaku Anime Acception Organization. We are for all types of anime and wish to oppress no one. We are against Discrimination of all kinds and Censorship. We are a new founded organization but hope that others will join in our cause and help us keep the world free for all Otaku. If you wish to join OAAO then check out the Sign up page.Then email it to me by clicking the link at the bottom of this or the Sign up page. Be sure that the Subject is application.


4-7-02 Sup? Sara here. Well you have been waiting for it, I put up our links and affiliation. If you want to be listed you know the drill, E-mail Aika. My Love Hina stuff should be finished soon, then I'll put together the page. Big thanks to Lindsay at and Gio at Empty movement for adding to our list. I promise soon we will have a banner for any site that wants to link to us. We will also be on Google soon! I will also be writing the news letter, expect it around the second week of every month. If you dont want it just write Aika or tell us in person (all of you know who you are.) Well that's it for today! Seeeya! WE GOT 100 HITS!!

4-9-02 Hey people! Sara here, not much has been happening lately so I thought I would pop in to update. I played with a lot of stuff and the newsletter is taking longer than I expescted... Sorry about that one... Any way, I added to the links and affiliation, play with some stuff and hopefully I'll work on the Love Hina page ^.^ I've been watching the Utena movie almost non-stop for the last two days and I now understand the symbolisim in ChuChu being eaten by the Extendo-Beak Thingy! So I called everyone I know and told them all about it. Go me. Sometime soon we will be switching the updates page to another page and just doing a few updates on the main page and a random picture when we feel like it. Me and Aika slept over recently and drew a nifty little piece of art that will appear somewhere on the site at some point in time... I also drew a summer pic and I'm almost done with the christmas pic. So much to do, so little time! See ya!

4-16-02Allow Peeps! Aika Here, okay, not much has really changed but I thought I would drop in and alter Sara's reighn of terror ^_^. We had a minor error with the Anime pages but it's all fixed now. Another announcement, Just so everyone knows, I'm taking after Lindsay from and have become a commission artist, which mean's I'll draw most anything peeps ask me to for the right price and as long as it's anime style you want. If you wish to submit a request for a commission then e-mail me by clicking the link at the bottom of most any page. That's all for today, see you next time on OAAO-Update!

4-20-02Hey peeps! Sara here, blasting brains and fighting terrorists via MGS2 Jenna and I have an important announcement. Not all of us "anime fans" are being true. It seems in a few places that it takes a like of anime to be cool. Jenna and I must push the fact your not protected by this orginization if your being a "poser" I hate to have to say this. I never thought it would come to this... NO MORE POSERS!Oh and i updated a couple pages, guess which ones!

5-17-02Hey there, as always it's Sara. Guess what has recently been added. A NEWSLETTER! Every thing in it needs to be submitted, so dont hesitate to send anything... even if your not a member... You can expect a comic or two by me and some truly great fanart of my making.

5-27-02 Hiya its Sara once agian... JACON in only a few short days and I'm going to eb in a cosplay as Jill from Pet Shop of Horrors... Look for me... I also got the PSOH page up... why havent I gotten anything for the newsletter... Ill wait and ask nicely...

5-30-02Well hello all you wonderful people out in Internet Land! Okay okay... enough with the brown nosing. ^_^ With you today is your lovely and fair President Aika Himemiya. Okay, I FINALLY got the info on Sailor Moon done and after I type up the other info to our other animes I'll work on galleries, That's if SARA ever stops making pages to new ANIMES! Just Kidding! We love that there are more and more animes being submitted and put up. As for the Newsletter... ::sigh:: well... this isn't exactly what I had in mind Sara, but oh well... I should be puting up a comic or two soon and a gallery of yours and our Fan art, and maybe a page to Fan Fics and such. Keep praying! Well, that's all for now. Till next time, be happy and beware the Multiplying Gestating Rabbits of DOOM!!!!

Pages of Mayhem ^^

Criteria to email me so you can become an OAAO member!!
A list of the current and growing members of OAAO!
Our page of the many animes in history! Your favs!
Links and Affiliations (AKA you wish to leave the madness)
OAAO Chat room! Where you can speak your mind on anything!
Our newsletter cheack often cause we update alot!
