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Silver Sailor Nebula's Silver Palace

Welcome to my site. This site is about me Silver Sailor Nebula, and my fellow Silver Sailors. As a civilian I go by the name of Estella MacKinnon, the name in which I was born with, though I added the last name myself.

This site will include, a bio of me, and of the other Silver Sailors. Not to mention a small gallery. As well as diaries, and whatever the other Silver Sailors want me to put on here about them. There will also be some info about the Original Sailor Scouts, included in this.

I hope that you all will like this page. It is still under construction, and I am still not exactly sure what is going to be put on it. So bear with me on this. Well, here we go, into the depths of the great Solar Nebula, where the stars are born, and so is this Homepage.



Character Profiles

Silver Sailor Bios

Sailor Scout Bios

Villian Bios

Fan Fiction and Art

Universal Diaries

Fan Fiction

Fan Art

Image Galleries

Silver Sailor Senshi

Inner Senshi
Outer Senshi
Group Images

Adopted Sailor Jupiter
Sailor Jupiter
was adopted on May 12, 2002
Click to Adopt!

Webmistress Disclaimer: I make no claim of owning the Sailor Scouts, they belong to Takeuchi Naoko , their author and creator. No profit is being made here. I do however hold some claim to the Silver Sailor Scouts, as SS Nebula is infact my created scout. The names Nebula, NorthStar, and Stargazer are also names in which I created, though the official owner of the Silver Sailor Scouts as a whole belongs to that of Lady Remenese/Andrea, whom specifically chose me to help to manage the scouts, names, and those people whom we deemed to play/create their looks, personality and them as a whole.
