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DoOm DoOm DoOm DoOm DoOm DoOm DoOm DoOm DoOm DoOm
RaDiO aCtIvE pAnDa


Errr i'll think of a topic soon..

Hello there, Making a Web page to get stuff marked off my tar. Im 18 Female currently attending Job cor blah blah blah blah

I live in Chicago aka Chi-town im such a dork. Well im one of those game/anime freaks ^-^ i loves me some good anime and video game's, *Retard* Especially RPG's i also love to draw theres a link to my art page on devian but as you might notice i havent drawn in a while now, getting rusty and mostly dont have the time or the privacy to draw or anything any more.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blabady blah!!!! >______> im just taking up some space, but here are a few of my favorite links that you might like to see.

Some stuff i like
  • pencils
  • Paper
  • Video games
  • Hot yaoi bishie's
  • Game systems
  • Candy
  • Drawing
  • Sleeeeep....
  • DDR
  • And stuff

Gaia Online
Mall Monkeys