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Welcome to Broken Angel Designs.
© Christopher Woodcock 2002

Broken Angel Designs (or B.A.D), has been created by for a College website design project. The purpose of this website is not to make money, it is purely for a college project. That is the one thing that must be made perfectly clear throughout this site... *NO MONEY IS BEING MADE.*

As with most websites, there is a disclaimer. Here is mine:
"All pictures and graphics contained in this website are the sole property of their creators, artists and companies. I take no credit for drawing any of it. I merely edit pictures and use graphic design techniques on them, I cannot draw. If any artist can see that their work has been altered by me, they may request it to be removed. It will be removed ONLY if the artist can prove it is their work, as people could just claim it was their peice and take it."

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