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Hey and welcome to my web page. take these quizes

You are Sesshoumaru!

You are most like Suzuka!

You are most like Bijou!

Your magical style is Witch.

Your Sesshoumaru! you are calm and collected and
you don't show any emotion at all. But inside
we all know you are a softy, it's just a matter
of showing it to everyone else. Be open once in
a while and maybe even date one of your many

I am Seto Kaiba.
I am highly intelligent, extremely talented, and cute to boot. I'm eager to prove myself to the world, yet I never let anyone close enough to see past my stony exterior. I care for my loved ones and will risk my life for them, but I shun the spotlight and the title of 'noble hero.' I'm still in the process of discovering who I am, and what really matters.

You're Kurama!!!!

You belong with kurama