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Thoughts At Night

Chapter 1: Goku’s Thoughts

By: Kei v^-^v

Well last night I couldn’t fall asleep and you wouldn’t believe all the thoughts that flooded my mind. I can admit most of them were of my boyfriend and it got me thinking what would Goku and ChiChi think of each other while the other is asleep? Sometimes one’s thoughts can either be happy, sad, and indifferent or maybe even make someone angry. So why not write a short one about how Goku feels about ChiChi and vice versa. Not my best but I like it for a short but sweet fic.


The sun had long since set over the horizon and the crescent moon was lighting the sky along with the stars. Son Goku, also known as the greatest Saiyan warrior in the Universe, let out a heavy yawn as he flew home riding atop his Nimbus cloud. The warrior carried the scars of a great battle across his back, chest, and even his face. The day had started off just like any other day where he’d eventually wind up spending most of the evening sparring with Vegeta. However, today the two last full-blooded Saiyan warriors had another adversary to deal with. Needless to say they were both surprised by this strange warrior’s power but quickly found a way of dispatching him. The fight wouldn’t have been a big deal if the two Saiyans hadn’t practically knocked the shit out of each other earlier on. After the fight both Saiyans agreed that he was waiting for them to tire themselves out, thereby hoping for an easy win.

Goku allowed the memories of the day’s fight melt away in the warm summer’s night as he saw his home come closer. A sense of dread quickly overcame the warrior as he thought about the petite little warrior princess who would be up greeting him. Goku couldn’t help but roll his eyes and sigh at the tongue lashing he would receive for coming home late, missing dinner, being dirty, and worst of all coming home beat up. Goku couldn’t figure it out but it seemed as if ChiChi’s pride laid in him coming home practically unscathed; which was rare but doable.

Hopping down off the small cloud the warrior felt his knees buckle under his own weight as he collapsed to the soft grass below. Groaning inwardly Goku sat up and felt every bone and muscle in his body ache. His chi was slowly dropping as his body was letting him know that he desperately needed sleep. Even the warrior’s bottomless pit of a stomach felt the need for sleep was more important then the need of feeding itself. Taking a few deep breaths and pushing the pain aside Goku stood up and slowly stumbled into the house trying to make as little noise as possible. Carefully Goku made his way up the stairs wincing in pain from every step he took. Eventually he reached his destination and was surprised to see ChiChi sound asleep in bed.

Looking at his sleeping wife and the bathroom Goku debated whether to take a bath or to go straight to bed. Chances are he’d most likely fall asleep in the tub and wake up cold or he could go straight to bed and hear ChiChi yelling at him for stinking up her nice clean sheets…again. Goku actually looked at his hands as if weighing the consequences, but in the end the bath won out. Entering into the bathroom Goku groaned and winced in pain as he sat down to take off his boots and pants. His shirt had been lost during the two fights that day which ChiChi wouldn’t be happy about. As the warrior began to clean the dirt and blood away from his body his thoughts kept wandering to the sleeping princess in the next room. Goku couldn’t help but wonder about ChiChi’s fickled personality. When others were glad to see him after a fight, where the entire planet’s existence was on the line, she on the other hand would be angry with him. She would scold him for taking Gohan and/or Goten, scold him for getting dirty, and just scold him for anything else she could think of.

Goku sighed deeply as he lowered his wearied and beat up body into the warm water. Was she ever really happy to see him? Or did his return remind her of a million more chores she’d have to do? A sad frown crossed the warrior’s face as he unconsciously began to scratch a scar on his cheek. Many thoughts crossed Goku’s mind all at once that he began to feel light headed. Did she stay with him because of the boys? If she weren’t happy why wouldn’t she just say so? Did she even love him? He loved her. There was no doubt in Goku’s mind about his feelings for ChiChi. For the most part he fought mainly to protect her- along with Gohan and the added Goten. Wasn’t that enough? Could there be a way to make everything up to her? Goku sighed heavily as he felt something drip onto his chest. Looking down Goku saw blood on not only his chest, but also his left hand and in the water. Goku sighed as he shook his head only mildly shocked by the fact that he had opened up a wound.

Rubbing his bloody cheek with the back of his hand Goku got out of the tub letting the water slip down the drain. Drying himself off Goku wrapped his towel around his waist. Walking over to the sink Goku opened up the medicine cabinet and found some bandages. Looking at his cheek in the mirror Goku quickly cleaned it not even caring whether it was painful. After he had cleaned the wound Goku was about to put the gauze on when he suddenly stopped recalling how ChiChi would but something on his wounds. “But what is it called?” Goku asked out loud finally breaking the silence and his thoughts. ChiChi always told him that the stuff would prevent him from getting any infections and heal up the scars. Opening the cabinet again Goku looked around for the medicine, whatever it was called. Goku raised a confused eyebrow at the cabinet. “Huh, for a family full of fighters we sure do have a lot of medications.” Goku observed, as he looked at all the bottles. Most of them had Gohan and Goten’s names on them and seemed to be for things normal childhood ailments like: ear infections, shtrep throat, and even the chicken pox.

Sensing a change in ChiChi’s chi Goku turned his attention to his bedroom. Goku had felt her chi jump like she was upset but then it went back down like she was sleeping. “Must be having a dream.” Goku reasoned as he turned back around. Goku finally gave up his search when he couldn’t find anything that looked remotely familiar. Shrugging his shoulders Goku finished up bandaging his wound. Besides if it bled during the night tomorrow morning he’d have to change it anyway. Maybe having a scar wouldn’t be so bad. It would definitely make telling him and Goten apart when he got older Goku thought with a shrug.

After cleaning out the tub Goku turned out the lights and carefully closed the door behind him trying not to wake ChiChi up. Putting on some boxers Goku carefully crawled into bed and felt his eyelids grow heavy. Looking at the clock next to the bed he inwardly groaned. It was 4:15am and he had gotten home around 12. Waving a good nights sleep good-bye Goku turned his focus onto ChiChi. No one ever knew it but he prayed every night thanking the kamis for blessing him with such a beautiful and wonderful wife. Goku felt his heartache as his thoughts from earlier came flooding back into his mind. ChiChi didn’t love him and it was all his fault. He didn’t deserve someone like ChiChi but he couldn’t find it in his heart to even consider letting her go. Deep inside Goku was glad that his wife preferred to stay home where ‘it’s safe’, she would tell him when Gohan and Goten would want to run off and fight with him, unlike Bulma and 18. In fact, Goku would love it if ChiChi went with him to go look for the dragonballs- just for fun. He would love it too if she would start to spar with him again like they used to. Goku couldn’t help but smile back at the thoughts of when they were just newlyweds spending the entire day sparring with each other. They even went looking for the dragonballs once but there adventure was cut short because ChiChi found out that she was pregnant.

Many thoughts and memories returned to Goku as he remembered how things used to be. He had to admit that things had changed a lot after Raditz showed up that day so many years ago. Every fight after that moment meant more then just protecting the Earth from some lunatic who wanted to rule the world with an iron fist. The threats now were alien and wanted nothing more then to destroy every single life form on the planet or to just destroy him. The fights before then were never really life or death. The enemies before then had no problem losing some what gracefully. Instead, the enemies now were willing to sacrifice their own lives to destroy him and everything he held dear. Looking down at the still peacefully sleeping ChiChi, Goku pulled ChiChi closer to him and kissed her forehead lightly. They had all tried to destroy her unwittingly the most important thing in the Universe to him. Goku felt what little chi he had left quickly grow with his anger. As much as he loved having ChiChi by his side he’d much prefer to keep her close to his heart and in his mind when it came down to the battles.

Goku recalled how Bulma was among the group to greet him back to Earth when Frieza and King Kold were heading towards Earth. He later found out from Gohan that she came along so she could get a good look at Frieza. Gohan also mentioned the little ‘cute’ comment that Bulma had made about the Icijin as well. Goku knew she said that to annoy Yamcha but if his ChiChi had been there. Goku held ChiChi tighter as he nuzzled his nose into her soft raven hair. Goku frowned he would be so…angry with ChiChi that he’d-Goku eyes shot wide open as realization hit him. He would be so angry at ChiChi for putting herself in danger. Goku smiled meekly to himself at the realization. ChiChi wasn’t always yelling at him because she didn’t love him anymore. She yelled because she cared- but did she really always have to yell though? “Guess we’ll talk about it in the morning then.” Goku whispered in ChiChi’s ear causing her to squirm and him to chuckle. Yeah he would talk to her about it. Sometimes she made his ears hurt with her yelling so she had to hurt her throat, right? “I’ll always love you anyway.” Goku whispered again as he kissed ChiChi on the neck and finally allowed his body to succumb to sleep.


So what’d you guys think? I know, I know, I should be working on my other fics but I’m seriously suffering from a major case of writer’s block. Don’t get me wrong I know what I want to happen but getting it written down in the best way is the hard part. *sigh* Oh well I still have another month of summer to think about the fics. Plus, I’m working on my website. ^_~* So wish me luck with that. But I hope everyone’s enjoying their summer vacation and I miss every single one of y’all. Yuri’s got a full-time now and doesn’t have time to write for her fic as she would like to, but wants me to tell you guys not to worry. Once she has time she’ll start writing ASAP. Until next time *waves* ja’ne.

Thoughts At Night

Chapter 2: ChiChi’s Thoughts

By: Kei v^-^v

The sun was slowly setting over the horizon as ChiChi let out a frustrated sigh. Closing her eyes she turned around and growled to herself. “Here it is close to dinnertime and Goku’s nowhere near home.” ChiChi stated out loud to anything that was within earshot. Goten was out spending the week over at Bulma’s and Gohan was out on a weeklong camping trip for his science class. ChiChi was actually glad to be free of the boys for just one week. ChiChi was surprised when she realized that she didn’t have anywhere near as many chores to do when it was just she and Goku. Goku didn’t need her to dote over him like a child; not that he ever did. He didn’t require her to do every little thing right at that second. ChiChi, though still somewhat angry at her husband, couldn’t help but smile warmly at the thought of her Goku. Most people had compared Goku to a small child but those were the ones who really didn’t know Goku that well. The only aspect where Goku was a ‘child’ was in his naiveté. But even that was slowly slipping away the older he got and the more fights he got into.

ChiChi recalled a time when Goku would give anyone a fair chance to turn from their evil ways. Goku had heard about how evil Frieza was and yet gave him a chance, however, with Majin Buu there was no questioning. Walking into their living room ChiChi picked up an old photo album and began flipping through the pages. She found she did this a lot especially when Goku was heavy on her mind and her heart. Looking at the pictures ChiChi couldn’t help but notice that Goku had a much harder and more mature look then he did. That was to be expected, right? A sad smile crossed ChiChi’s face as she came across a more recent picture. It was a picture of Goku and Vegeta talking to each other. Goten had taken the picture and Trunks had gotten their attention by calling them, ‘old men’. Both Saiyans turned to look at the boys with brows furrowed and yet had a very curious and confused look on their faces. Both Bulma and ChiChi agreed that this was their favorite picture simply because seeing those expressions on their faces had become definitely rare over the years. ChiChi felt her heart grow heavy there was a time when she thought that Goku was indestructible. But her life, all of their lives had been turned upside down with the arrival of Raditz. But through it all Goku had managed to grow, mature, and become not only a better fighter, but also a better person and a better husband and father. Goten adored his father with so much admiration ChiChi and Gohan were amazed that Goten hadn’t figured out a way to get Goku up on a pedestal.

Thinking about how much Goku had grown during his seven-year absence ChiChi couldn’t help but look at herself. She had remained the same old ChiChi. Sure she had redone her hair, but she was still loud, short-tempered, demanding, and overly emotional. She hadn’t grown into a better ChiChi at all. Tears began to well up in her eyes as memories of the past flooded her mind. Goku had changed to fit his lifestyle with a family and the responsibilities of protecting the Universe. He no longer depended on his sons’ to help, unless it was absolutely necessary like it was with Majin Buu. Goku had admitted to her that after Cell he would never depend on anyone else but himself and Vegeta. The statement shocked ChiChi but it was something that she had to agree with somewhat. Goku understood the limitations of the half-breeds and didn’t push them above it. That was something he left solely on himself. Goku understood how ChiChi felt about her boys fighting and did what he had to do in order to ensure they weren’t hurt. However, ChiChi hadn’t changed to fit her lifestyle. When she was needed the most she was either too busy crying her eyes out or she was passed out somewhere with her father fanning her.

“Goku’s a strong fighter with strong sons. He deserves a strong wife.” ChiChi whispered out loud as tears poured down her now rosy cheeks. She couldn’t help but wonder if Goku had met some beautiful and strong woman while training in the Other World. Goku only spoke of Olibu and Pikkon; surely there were more fighters then just those two who would befriend him. ChiChi nodded her head firmly in agreement. Girls and women on this planet were always ogling Goku and some would even sneer at ChiChi when they thought she wasn’t looking. Slamming the photo album shut ChiChi got up and stormed into the kitchen. Looking over at the clock she growled out lout. It was 11 o’clock and Goku still hadn’t returned home yet. If she weren’t able to sense his chi still fighting she would probably think that he was out seeing another woman. Shaking her head to get rid of such thoughts ChiChi busied herself by putting the food away. Goku would have no problem taking out what he wanted and heating it up.

Once that task was done ChiChi trudged upstairs and sat down at her vanity. Looking at her reflection she saw an old woman looking back at her. The woman in the mirror had bags under eyes, her face was stained with tears, but her hair was still neatly done up in a tight bun. Letting out a wearied sigh ChiChi undid her bun allowing her long black hair to flow freely for the first time since early that morning. Her hair hung low almost reaching her butt and ChiChi was almost shocked to see a young girl staring back at her. Over the last seven years these were the times that ChiChi had longed for her Goku the most. He always knew how to make her smile even when she had her mind set on being mad at him. In her memories she’d be sitting at her vanity mad at Goku for saying something or doing something; never really could remember what he had done. Sensing her anger Goku would kneel behind her and rest his chin on her shoulder. Sometimes he would imitate the same angry expression that ChiChi had that would make her giggle or he would just stare back at her, as if reading her thoughts. Eventually he’d say something so sweet that she’d smile and giggle like a 12-year old.

ChiChi couldn’t help but blush and smile meekly as she thought of how much Goku loved it when she just wore her hair down. But she was a mother who ran an orderly house and therefore had to look the part. At least that was what she told herself over and over in her mind. She had to keep telling herself that over and over in order to make it seem true. But, Goku always proved her theory wrong. With his Saiyan hair Goku did have order in his life; he showed it in his training, in his fighting styles, and even when he was with the boys. ChiChi had to admit that Goku never did just let Gohan run wild and even Goten had limitations to what he could do when Goku was around. For some reason Goku’s presence demanded respect and immediately set boundaries. ChiChi and Bulma realized this quickly when they noticed that Goten and Trunks still had yet to pull a trick or a prank on him. Chichi frowned again as she slipped her nightgown over her head. Goku was able and probably could do everything that she did and wanted done without using half as much energy. ChiChi recalled how she would have to hound Gohan for hours to get him to do his homework while Goku would just smile at Gohan and tell him to go ahead and get his homework out the way. “Maybe it was the shock most of the times?” ChiChi thought out loud as she crawled into bed.

Goku always was full of surprises and that was partly because of his ever-changing personality. Letting out a yawn ChiChi laid her head down on the pillow and allowed sleep to overcome her. ChiChi couldn’t help but wonder if Goku really loved her anymore. There was no doubt years ago that he loved her, but now he seemed to remain forever young while maturing psychologically while she seemed to get older day by day. Did Goku stay with her because of Gohan and Goten? If given the chance would he find himself some young, pretty girl to marry? Would she be a better wife and lover for him? Would he ever miss her? For some reason no answer came to ChiChi’s questions and that fact only seemed to sadden the Ox-Princess even more. Soon ChiChi had cried herself to asleep and the only sounds heard throughout the house were her occasional sniffing and the sound of the cool breeze blowing through the house.

Not long after ChiChi feel asleep she awoke to the sounds of someone groaning. Rolling over in the huge bed ChiChi noticed that the bathroom light was on. Letting out a very tired yawn she sat up looking drowsily at the slightly closed door. ChiChi couldn’t help but wonder if she had left the light on while she was deep within her thoughts. Shrugging her shoulders she slid out of bed quietly and padded over to the door. Her eyes shot wide open when she realized that Goku had come home. Looking over at the clock by their bed she realized that it was 12:30. Shaking her head and rolling her eyes ChiChi couldn’t help but smile at Goku’s impeccable timing. The smile, however, quickly faded away as she noticed Goku’s back covered in dirt, blood, and scars. She couldn’t help but wonder what had happened to him. Normally the fights between he and Vegeta never got this bad. Even when Vegeta was bad he never left scars that compared to these on her Goku’s back. ChiChi felt her motherly instincts take over as she felt the need to go in and help Goku clean his wounds.

But she found herself stopped short when she heard Goku’s voice. ‘ When others were glad to see him after a fight, where the entire planet’s existence was on the line, she on the other hand would be angry with him. She would scold him for taking Gohan and/or Goten, scold him for getting dirty, and just scold him for anything else she could think of.’ ChiChi felt her shoulders slump in shock. Had she just heard Goku’s thoughts? Did he really think that she wasn’t glad to see him? ‘Was she ever really happy to see him?’ ChiChi felt as if her heart was going to break. Did Goku really think that his presence was nothing more then some burden on her? ChiChi watched with sad eyes and a heavy heart as the weary and beaten warrior stepped into the tub to soak. Goku’s thoughts still continued to invade ChiChi’s mind as she watched him begin to scratch at a scar on his cheek. Normally she would’ve stormed in ordering him to stop picking at the scar but she didn’t have the energy to. Was she really so hard on him and the boys that they questioned her love for them?

ChiChi felt another bout of warm tears building up in her eyes. Her worst fears were coming true; she was pushing her family away. Most of all she was losing her Goku. ‘I love her.’ Hearing this thought ChiChi stopped her crying and looked over to see Goku sighing heavily to himself. ChiChi’s heart felt light when she not only heard but also felt Goku’s love for her. It was like wrapping a warm blanket around yourself during a cold winter night. It was comforting but ChiChi felt ashamed of herself because Goku blamed himself. It wasn’t his fault. She did love him too with all her heart and soul. ChiChi felt relieved that her thoughts were along the same lines as Goku. They both would have to find a way to make everything up. But she would definitely put more work into not only in making their relationship better but in also herself.

ChiChi watched with touching concern as Goku wiped the blood away from his cheek. He had made the cut much worse by picking at it while deep in his thoughts then even he had realized. She would definitely have to take care of it in the morning. Leaning against the doorframe ChiChi made sure to keep her chi low as if she was sleeping so as not to alert Goku to her presence. She watched with amusement as he searched the medicine cabinet for the Neosporin to put on his cheek, but she knew it wasn’t there. She had used the last of it for a scrap that Goten had gotten right before he left. She couldn’t help but giggle as she felt his curiosity grow from looking at all the different medications. Sickness really was something foreign to him. However, with her giggling her chi quickly rose and catching herself she ran to bed and lowered her chi. ChiChi prayed to Dende that Goku hadn’t noticed her standing there laughing at him. Catching her breath her chi returned to its normal sleep mode and she stayed in bed waiting on Goku to return.

The warm feeling never left ChiChi’s body as she sensed Goku enter into the room and crawl into bed with her. He was being so careful not to awaken her that it was touching. ChiChi even felt her heart skip a beat as Goku wrapped his huge arms around her body and pulled her closer to him. She wanted to so much just roll over and hug him telling her how much she loved him too, but she had to know what else he was thinking. ChiChi heard Goku’s thoughts as he began to recall all the fun they had when they were younger. Deep down inside she missed the adventures just the two of them would have. Looking for the dragonballs together would be fun. She even felt Goku’s chi rise as he thought about if she put herself into danger. Goku’s grip tightened a little too much for ChiChi’s comfort as Goku’s thought continued to linger on her and danger. ChiChi couldn’t help but smile devilishly as Goku finally understood why she was upset with him when he came back from fights.

She frowned lightly as she heard Goku make a comment about her possibly hurting herself by yelling. She never hurt herself but she will make him pay for that comment in the morning. Thoughts and plans for revenge were quickly pushed to the back of ChiChi’s mind as she felt Goku’s lips kiss her forehead. “I’ll always love you anyway.” ChiChi heard Goku whisper in her ear before he drifted off to sleep. Once she was sure that her loving warrior was fast asleep ChiChi turned around to face him. “I’ll always love you too.” ChiChi whispered back as she kissed Goku on his nose. ChiChi’s eyes widened in shock as Goku growled to himself and wiped the kiss off of his nose. “No matter what.” ChiChi stated dryly as she rolled her eyes. Tomorrow would definitely be the start of a new and better relationship for the both of them. Now that they truly understood each other it would get better. ‘Who knows? Maybe I’ll become your new sparring partner.’ ChiChi thought with a yawn as she snuggled up closer to Goku and feel asleep.


Welp, what did you guys think? I don’t know if I’ll go on any further with this fic; if I do it’ll be under a different title. Man, I tell ya living out in the woods is a whole new experience. I got horses to the left of me and geese to the right of me. Who knew that geese could crap so much? Damn geese stole my sandwich. Yes, I’ll ALWAYS be bitter about the sandwich. ALWAYS!!! O.o You guys didn’t think I’d actually write a fic without throwing some sort of tantrum, did you? ^-^ Anywayz I gotta prepare to kick my boyfriend’s ass in ‘The Simpsons’ Road Rage’ game. Hehehe. Ja’ne v^-^v.
