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Authors Note: This is about ChiChi and her last moment on earth. Goku is alive, but ChiChi still feels alone, as if Goku doesn't care. Loosing it!!!!

Loosing It....

She screams, as she slams the door and slams her fits into it. She pulls her fist back and looks and her palms. They're filled with blood, from where her nails have dug into her skin.

She fills no pain. Why? Because, hate has found her.

She walks around her room, throwing useless things into the wall.

Why does she let it get to her, the hate, fighting and leaving her out, not telling her?

Is it because that is all she has ever seen it life?

Where was the happy time, the fun and smiles? Was it all a dream, and she has just wokens up to see the world around her, and now all she can do is scream at the hatred people have today.

Why are people so full of anger that they lash out at any one?

She has seen and lived this pathetic life, she has taken and taken the rocks that were thrown, and never having any one to be there with her.

She knows that they do care for her in some way, but then why do they show so little to her, that is rips at her soul until it is no more then a dim light fading in the darkness.

She picks up a frame holding her family. The pain enters her heart and stabs at it like a blade that has touched skin for the first time.

She lets her tears fall from the burning in her eyes, and sits in the middle of her room.

Her mind goes clear and she sadly smiles. She must save her soul, which is filled with sadness.

Perhaps it is best. Perhaps it will show them what they are doing to others around them, to her.

She slowly gets up and walks to her dresser, where she finds a blade hidden under her clothes.

She looks at it and admires it.

The smooth and sharpness of the blade calls to her with peace.

She desires it with all the life she holds.

She walks back and takes her set in the middle of the floor, as she once was.

She blinks one.... Twice. Then a small whimper escapes her lips, before they slowly turn into a small sad smile.

She feels as her blood leave from open cuts in her wrists. The feel of her life leaving does not scare her, it calms her in some ways.

She feels the peace coming to clam her as she slowly lies down on her back.

She closes her eyes and lets the smile dance across her face as she calls to the peace.

She takes in her last breath and realizes that she took the easy way out.

Her eyes fill with more sadness, sadness because she didn't keep fighting.

Her body grows still and her eyes don't move, as her body drowns in a pool of her own blood.

Her last thought, being, 'I lost the fight'.
