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STOP! You must go to my links! MEILING said so!

Hello. This is my Meiling site! A lot of people have just seen the horrible dub..... but the real version is a lot better! There are just a few things to do here so just look around! There isn't really anything different from most sites, so it won't be anything really new. Anyway, this is my site dediacted to my favorite anime girl, Meiling.

Please if you'd like to give suggestions do it in the guestbook. I encourage comments that can help me make this site better. :):p Also, I pretty much don't care what goes on in there(I'll allow a lot of stuff) but if it goes overboard it may just get deleted...


March 25, 2004-Happy Birthday Meiling!
July, 01, 2003-I finished the CCS Character quiz and it is pretty much a piece of junk.. There has been a little voice ringing in my head that it was unfinished :p.I think I will leave this site now because I don't like CCS anymore and I have only seen Cardcaptors (about 3 episodes) and I am just tired of this site. I still can't think of a name for this place so that will be the last thing I do.. However, you never know when I may pop in, but just don't expect any updates!
May 26, 2003
-If you click then you can see some pretty hearts!!
May 25, 2003
-The links are fixed-They'rered when ya hover over them :)
-Guestbook section is up! Also, site is pretty much up (about time it's been about 2 yrs lol) although I really want to make it look better :p