Oh Angel A Songfic by Tsukino Kage Spectre based on "Fatal Fury" and "Mark of the Wolves" by SNK *** Whoa-oh! Oh Angel! (We see the back of Rock Howard in his 'Mark of the Wolves' attire walking in a darkened large area, shilhouted by a bright light like the end of a tunnel...) Come greet the dawn, it's a brand new day! (... Only to come out into the light , with a close up of his face as he closes his eyes and slowly opens them again...) Whoa-oh! Oh Angel! (... turning around, he sees across from him is a large man in shadows, he is in a ready stance...) Let burn the passion that fires your soul!! (... and with a smile Rock drops into one of his own.) Each lonely night I get through without you becomes my victory (They go at each other, but the man remains a shillhoute...) Each empty night I fight against the light that is my destiny (... trading blows back and forth, they move into the darkened area, now a little more lit by the light from outside, but still in shadows.) Yet, I know that having might don't mean you're right (Rock does a double Reppuken...) I can't be both cruel and kind! (Only to have the man jump over and away, letting loose two large Ki blast his way...) When nothing makes sense I look up at the clouds in the sky (... Rock sidesteps and launches into his Hard Edge, a running elbow first followed by an optional straight hand thrust...) They don't answer but I still ask why... (... only to have the dark figure catch him and throw him away.) Stand tall, you won't fall! (Getting up, he charges again into a Rage Run...) Even a wolf gets away (... Stopping at the last minute behind his attacker...) Now and then run into the sun (... he juggles him with the Rising Tackle...) Sharpen your claws, bare your fangs and go on! (... and lands into a stance to see his opponent smile as he gets up.) Run your own race--why go for second place? (In the sidelines by the left is Bonne Jenet, Hotaru Futaba, Mary Ryan, Mai Shiranui, Xiang Fei and Marie Heinlein Howard, now visible as the light gets brighter...) Go on and grab a star! (and on the right are the Bogards, Geese's stooges, Kain, Grant, Joe Higashi, the father and sons Kim, and Raiden.) You can survive. You gotta stay alive! (Rock looks at his opponent and both launch at each other, Rock in a running crouch, the other shoulder first.) Heaven is not that far. (They collide and immediately both execute the Deadly Rave, countering each other blow per blow...) When you're on the edge you pledge to live just for today (... only to both fly away via the Ki blasts released at the end.) Ain't no sense livin' in the past! (Growling, they both get up, and the man attacks shoulder first again...) Look ahead and you'll see that tomorrow has already come (Rock catches the punch that followed and used his Crack Counter to kick the his foe away...) Time heals all wounds and love does go on! (... then lets loose with the Rage Dunk, smashing him to the ground with a burst of bluish energy.) Stand tall, you won't fall! (The man dizzyly gets up...) Courage! You stumble and then (... and Rock is seen running toward him with the Shine Knuckle...) So that you run into the sun (... he catches it and throws Rock over him...) Seek out those songs which have not yet been sung! (... and Rock looks up to see him coming from above with a crescent of energy in front.) People do fall in love (Rock gets onto his feet quickly...) Though they may swear that the pain won't let go forevermore (... and executes a Raging Storm...) I'll burn the flame of your dreams in my soul (... which catches his opponent and sends him flying away into a wall. The man slumps and doesn't get up.) Whoa-oh! Oh Angel!! (Rock gets into his win pose, the one where wings come out of his back then disappear. The crowd surges forward and around Rock in congratulation...) Come greet the dawn, it's a brand new day! (... as Marie and the stooges go to tend to the man, who, as the light gets brighter, is revealed to be none other than Geese Howard, who smiles at his wife and son...) Whoa-oh! Oh Angel!! (... and Rock, who sees it, smiles back...) Let burn the passion that fires your soul!! (... only to turn red at kisses to each cheek from Jenet and Hotaru, who giggle a bit at his embarassment.) *** Author's Notes: Argh! Dammit, you wouldn't believe that I had to write this twice since my computer crashed while I was typing the first one (curse you Gates!). Anyway, speaking of Gates, though I never played it I heard that the new enemy of Megaman X in X6 is named Gate (as in the singular). Guess Capcom is also ticked off at the Windows Washout (get it? Guess not. ^_^'). Also, in "Geese Howard Through Time and Space", Rock is shown to have a thing for Hotaru, and it is at least a little reciprocated, though i don't think this is officiated by SNK. This fanfic by Ramza Lionheart is not a basis for this work though. I did not include any romance between the two here, it is merely a fun thing I added to have Rock be between two admittedly beautiful women. There are at present no plans on where Rock's romance will go, and I won't write any stories about it yet since I have no idea on what direction to go. Rock and Hotaru are a possibility though, and I acknowledge here that I saw Ramza Lionheart do it first, though if anyone else did, I don't know it. This is in truth, set at a later date in the same continuum as my other work 'Redemption'. Think of it as a sidestory or omake.