Childhood Written, composed and performed by Micheal Jackson, Ranma courtesy of R. Takahashi (wonder what that means... although 'shi' means 'death') A Ranma One Half songfic starring Ranma Saotome by Tsukino Kage Spectre *** This songfic is dedicated to the great work of Rumiko Takahashi. More than just the asian queen of comedy and goddess of misunderstandings, she is also gifted with the ability to accurately portray both the best and worst aspects of the human soul. *** (Opening scene: Ranma on the Tendo rooftop looking at the stars as faces appear before it like a hologram. First the Tendos minus Akane...) Have you seen my childhood? (... his parents...) I'm searching for the world that I come from (...Akane...) 'Cause I've been looking around (... Ryouga, Mousse, Kuno...) In the lost and found of my heart... (...Ukyo, Shampoo, Kodachi...) No one understands me (...Happosai, and Cologne.) They view it as such strange eccentricities... (Ranma turns away...) 'Cause I keep kidding around (To find those same people are behind him, and they look mad!) Like a child, but pardon me... (They start to chase him off the roof...) People say I'm not okay (... and as Ranma runs, he can't help but sigh in despair.) 'Cause I love such elementary things... (Ducking into an alley, he goes into a fetal position as the entourage of maniacs goes past him.) It's been my fate to compensate, (Burying his face in his hands, he tries not to cry but the tears are starting to flow and he doesn't notice that he has changed to a she as it rains.) For the childhood, I've never known... (The past overtakes him and he is five years old again in the company of his mother and father.) Have you seen my childhood? (Genma holds out a paper for Ranma to fingerpaint on, as little Ranma presses his hands to it.) I'm searching for that wonder in my youth (Nodoka is sitting in front of Genma as he explains to her why he and Ranma have to go away.) Like pirates and adventurous dreams, (Ranma looks back on his mother as he walks away with his father.) Of conquest and kings on the throne... (The scene shifts to middle school with Ryoga shouting insults to Ranma for beating him in their daily fight...) Before you judge me, try hard to love me, (...fading to Kirin, Herb, and Toma's faces...) Look within your heart and ask, (...then to Happosai, Cologne, and Saffron.) Have you seen my childhood? (Scene shifts to Nabiki charging Ranma her weekly extortion money...) People say I'm strange that way, (...then shifts to Ranma performing an Anything Goes kata...) 'Cause I love such elementary things... (...only to get bushwacked by Akane and her mallet...) It's been my fate to compensate, (...then Ryoga and Shampoo both show up, breaking down opposite walls each, the latter with a smile, the former a snarl.) For the childhood, I've never known... (The scene returns to a young Ranma leaving with Genma as Ukyo runs after...) Have you seen my childhood? (...the catfist training...) I'm searching for that wonder in my youth (...getting cursed at jusenkyo...) Like fantastical stories to share (...and the escape from the Amazon village.) The dreams I would dare, watch me fly... (The scene shifts again to the first day at the Tendos as Akane beans him with a table...) Before you judge me, try hard to love me... (...fading to the wedding that everyone crashed...) The painful youth I had (...fading back to the alley as the rain lets up and Ranma looks up to the stars again...) Have you seen my childhood? (...and his face falls to his chest as consciousness fades from him amidst a feeling of heat.) (Short fading instrumental)