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Speaks for itself.

2/10/03 UPDATE!! I actually work on this lame ass site of mine!!
Hoooray for moi!

2/11/03 My brain went squish on stuff last night, because i was being verbally raped by a large starfish.DIE! ...

2/12/03 Yay! New pictures are up, and more to come!I am a happy girl person and stuff! Check out the the Guestbook, or the boogie man will eat your toes off!^_^ and erm...I HEART YOU TYRONE!!!

2/13/03 YARRRRRRRRRRRRRR!! I bes a SCURVVY Pirate bastard MONKEEE! herheheerrhheee YAR! the Valentine's day Comic is up. I am gonna be gone most the weekend, so dont expect anything new till aleast monday.

2/24/03 Hi kids, its me. Katsucon Pictures are up, i have alsoput a new background ,and opening picture.W00t!More new stuff on the way as soon as i figure how crap to do it.^_^ You are all LOved.

2/25/03 New stuff all around, check my journal i updated that too.

2/27/03 its snowing..bah... Anyway I am working on uploading more stuff and trying to get more music on the site..Posted some goofy as pictures of me with my new haircut..Also there is new poetry and all that other bs on my journal.

absolute yummyness
with eyes to see
NEko Brains
Projectile Me
Listen Here

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i'm a dork.

This page was last updated- 3/12/03 yay! ^_^

Great Master Myka's Web page Thingie!!
Zack's suuuuper neato site
Tyrone is a Pink Kitten
Nail-Chan's Journal
Jaded Eclipse
The page of Coolness
