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My Favorite Anime Movies (so far)...

sERial ExpERimENts: LaiN

Serial Experiments: Lain-The Unofficial Site

thought experiments lain

Escaflowne: The Movie

I was warned by a friend that this movie portrayed a fairly dismal and depressing picture of reality. An interesting disclaimer for something considered a mere cartoon by mainstream society. Anime in truth is a highly esteemed medium of entertainment, whose artists, in Japan, have become house hold names. This stylization of artistry, although only recently having received recognition by western studios, has been around for centuries in Japan. Most in fact should be previewed before showing children due to the frequency of explicit content which is too often a dominant feature of this medium.

Although I am not really into the mecha genre of Anime, I did enjoy this film mainly because of its depressing content. I was able to connect with the main character, who had at the beginning of the film lost her taste for life and was in fact toying with the thought of a world uncluttered by their fatigued spirit; She wished to "Just fade away..." Yet by the end of the film, she had regained her sense of self, her desire to live again, and she had found a soul-mate.

I also recommend this film for its high quality of animation, story development, and character development.

Escaflowne: The Official Site