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  • If you want to use something from my site then read this page then email me at

    Policy Page

    This is my policy page, read it before you attempt to take anything from my site and put it on your own.

    There are alot of things I will let you use if you email and ask, but there are somethings that I can't let you use no matter how much I want to.


    The pictures I have on my galleries you can use them if you ask. I know I got them off the net and from friends and stuff, but it would still be better if you emailed me and asked if you could use them. You can NOT use the fan art or my original drawings(when I add my drawings).

    Character Bio's

    The characters bio's can not be used unless you ask me and I still may say no, you can use the name, age, family..ect.. but the written paragraphs you can't use unless I say you can.

    Episode Translations

    You can not use these. Sorry it takes soooo long to type them up and everything. I can't stop you from asking, but I will more than likely say no.

    Fan Fics/art

    No using the fan stuff without permission from the person who wrote/drew it. If they say no, then please do not take it anyways.


    You can ONLY use the lyrics I have up if you email me and ask first. If you do then I will let you use them. Just because I said I would let you use them doesn't mean you don't have to email me first.


    I will be adding some wallpapers I made, they are very good and everything, I'm new at this, but if you want you can use them of course, but not for your site unless you ask me and give me the proper credit for them.


    If you want to use something from the humor pages then ask, but I may say no on somethings, you will have to tell me exactly what you want to use before I can give you permission because I got some of the stuff on those pages from my friends.

    You can use the Japanese, it would be nice if you asked first and gave credit for it, but I guess you don't have to since, well I don't own the japanese language.


    You can not use my quizzes. I thought up the questions and I don't think it's write for someone else to use it even if they did ask. Sorry, but you'll have to think up your own questions.


    When you use something from my site I expect to get the proper credit for it since I most likely worked pretty hard on it, either say it was provided by Mika-chan or Samarah-chan and of course give a link to my website, that's all you have to do and for it you get what you want.

    Asking for Permission

    Ok so you read my page, if you still want to ask to use something email me at or at and tell me what you want to use and what you want to use it for. If I say no please don't use it anyways, and when you email me don't be rude/demanding because I will have no prob deleting your message and forgetting all about it. Also give me a link to your site so I can see that you did everything properly when giving credit for my work is due.

    No Stealing!

    This layout was made by the Rurouni Kenshin Network free layouts and graphics shop. ?Copyright Trabia-Garden.Net.