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  • This is the History of Yuumei, but really there's not much of a history yet.


    Looking for site history, ne? Well you've come to the right place. My anme is Samarah and I am the owner of Yuumei.

    I started Yuumei on July 15th 2002, at that time I didn't know much about making web sites, hell I still don't. Anywho, I decided to make a general anime site because 1) I love anime 2) I couldn't find that many general anime sites that were worth looking at, not that I'm saying mine is....Anywho...again.

    Yuumei started off as Tenshi Yume, but after I got my act together, I gave the site a new name to go with a new and hella lot better layout. I have never made my own layouts for my site, I am not good at making them, I was never meant to do that.

    Yuumei is a site about all of my favorite animes, I made it so that people can find information/pictures about their favorite animes all in one site.

    Well I guess that's enough history (if that's what you can call what I typed) for now, I will add more as the site grows and gets more visitors (hopefully).

    History of Yuumei

    This layout was made by the Rurouni Kenshin Network free layouts and graphics shop. © Copyright Trabia-Garden.Net.