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Go Canada.
Danielle's Get Away

Oxy-Moron of the Month!
"Falsey True"-Some Guy @ Confermation

Quote of the Month!
"I don't know what to do..."

Hey there everyone. I someday plan on making my site actually look good and stuff in fact today I get out of school early, I might take a nap, then work on my site, or just work on my site. I have alot of stuff to do on it, and so little time...actually my site is not a neccecity so I guess I have all the time in the world, haha, Umm...I want to work on my music page oand prep 101 page more so I might focus more on those pages for the time being, then I want to finish up my friends page...that one should turn out nice...well...Sign the Slam Book! Laters Everyone...

The current mood of at

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If there is a * then its complete, well with the exception of updates

Danielle Say's...