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- Guestbook
- Past Theme Galleries
- Bishounen/oujo
- Userlookups
- Adopt


- Guild Gallery
- Contests
- Rankings
- Allies
- Mystery Pic


- Vocab
- Eye
- Shop
- Banners
- Guild

Site Related

- Neomail


PLEASE READ Youko:I'm asking all you peoples out there that draw and write, since my site is gonna be starting soon, for fanfiction, and fanart!! IF you have something you'd like to send me...PLEASE NEOMAIL ME!! I'm taking anime and neopets stuff for fanart. ^^ Fanfiction is only anime though! I'm also taking ANY types of stories, poems, or quotes you've thought of!!! Neomail me if you have any questions!! Thankuuuuu!!!! *waves*

Current Update

Okay okay. So theres a new Fruits Basket layout. Its not that great..(Who am I kidding?) ^_^' But it'll do, right? There'll be a new Mystery Pic today. Since the last one was answered, by Ztar if I'm not mistaken. And I'll be sure to send her the prize (Oh and Happy Birthday!). The Adult Swim shows (more or less) start on Monday. I'm sure everyone knows by now..But thought I should bring it up. Me and Adi are starting the Battledome tourney shortly. (Adi's done a lot of the work, be sure to thank her for her time ^_~) Heh. Be sure to visit Stormy's site, "Storm Raging" Its really good, and I love the Arashi layout ^__^ (I loooove X) Keep a look out, for I might be starting a layout contest soon. The second annual one. ^_^ And I'll be announcing the Caption Contest winner later today. Youko has been doing a swell job with the Vocab, and Sherry and Raven have been doing good with their contests. ^_^ Very great ^^ *nods* Anyways, I best be off. I've got errands to run. *waves*

Past Updates- Nov. 3rd

I've added a lot of stuff, including a ranking page, um....bishi page, lets see...uhh oh yes, and a Jap. Vocab page ^__^ Still accepting applications for layout/banner contest. I'm fooling around with the table..can't you tell? Also if anyone wants site admin, to help out with the site or something, I'll be issuing it. You get yer own little staff member page thing too XD!

Past Updates-Nov 4th

November 4th 2002 I thought it was time for a new layout..So this is what I came up with X_x; simple yet...okay? ^^; I KNOW that the Image map needs adjusting, but bear with me.. I'm working on it. Everythings still accessable though. Patience Patience ==; I put up a new Mystery Pic. Its easy!! OH, and theres a new Caption Contest ^__^ I need to find a new spot to upload the Adoptables..because of boomspeed no longer working on Neopets *sigh* But expect that soon, plus more Anime Sprites >D >>Collection I've started

Nov. 10th
Okay, the mystery pics been answered, Kenshin. I'll send the prize out shortly. Sorry for the delay, been busy X__x' Welcome all new members..Theres a new Caption Contest. I got an application so far, but my neomail was mistakenly deleted, so send it again (if it was you)..Putting together Battledome tourney with the help of Adi. So be ready to sign up if it obtains to you. Tomorrow (Monday) I'm putting up the poll for the banner and layout contest. (They will be voted on, to decide a victor). Nothing much more then that. Oh yeah, and a new "Eye". See if you can get it..its really easy X__x' I should of made it harder. But this is an advantage to you, I guess ^^

Nov. 17th.
I added a new mystery pic. This one is EASY! ^^ I think at least half of you should be able to get it..At least it looks easy to me..Hint: Notice the backround, that might help. Anyways, I added all the bishis people have claimed. ^_~ Nothing much so far. Welcome all new members, hope you enjoy your stay. Till next time..."Sailor Moon says" ....uh..Not sure. (Had to say that XD)