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June 7th, 2002: Site created, link made to my Digimon site, links page up, guestbook and hit counter up. WELCOME!

June 10, 2002:So I got a bit lazy with my about me page and just linked it to the one on my Digimon site.... can you blame me? Those things are hard to make! Anyhoo, thats up now too.....

June 14th, 2002: Mine and Jen's 9 month anniversary (who happens to be hanging on my back, not that I mind ;) Got my first actual pic for this site up; see below.

June 21, 2002: Started up a page on all the clow cards. Eventually I will have all the cards on there with links to info on how and when Sakura or Li caught them. I also added a whole bunch of new links (mostly to friends sites) so check 'em out! (Yeah, thats it, I order you to check 'em out.... grrrrr!) WOOT! I figured out how to change the titles at the top of the screens today too, so I'm having fun with that :-)

June 22, 2002: Made up a pics page for Sakura and a pic page directory to assist you in all your image viewing needs ;) Have fun!

June 27, 2002: I didnt actually do this, but i have all the pics of the Clow and Star cards, thanks to my beautiful and wonderfully helpful girlfriend, Jen. I will putting them all up soon, and I will eventually list them in the order they were captured (note: the Star cards will be ordered as they were captured as Clow cards, not as Sakura changed them to Star cards.)

June 29, 2002: Hmmmm, got some more links, worked some more on the Card pages. Not sure how much I'm going to get done, but I am working on them today....

July 5, 2002: His g/f (yes, that be me...this is his g/f typing here) has put all the clow cards and star cards up for him, and in the order he wanted. Yea me! (And I added the link to the star cards page - WOOT!)...and I found and put up pics of the front side of the cards. You`ll find those are the card pages. Enjoy! :-D

July 10, 2002: Got the page of pics on Sakura and Li together up, hope ya like it and if ya dont (cant think of anything healthy to finish this sentence with.....)

July 24th, 2002: So I havent done anything here for a while. This site IS still under construction, and I will be working on it more often ASAP. Thnx for your patience if you deserve, and if not, then get some ;-)

August 22nd, 2002: Wow, one month sicne I actually did anything here, (well, almost a month) I just got back from a great trip with Jen and her Dad. Im gonna put up a page fer that, but not here. You can check out my Digimon site for that one. WOOT!!! I've finally almost reached the 100th visitor mark! Thanks for all your support with this slowly moving website..

September 12, 2002: Hmmmm, well, I finally completed my page with pics of Li and Sakura. I also finished a pics page of just Li, so check that out too. Looking forward to making pages on: Everyone, Bad Guys, And Miscellaneous.... Keep a look out for those pages coming. Also, some REALLY great news, I made the hundreth visitor mark today!!! Wahoo! You love me, you really love me..... or at least my site, anyway, keep'em coming!!!!

October 15, 2002: Okee, I got a page for Kero and Yue up but its only got 2 pics on it. I need you people to start sending in pics!!!! So, check out my guestbook if you got pics, I'll get back to you ASAP

October 17, 2002: Lets see, so far today I've, lets see. I got a poll up (very cool), I, ummmm, made this new page, specifically for news, and i got tonnes of new pics I hope to get up, so check it out! Okay, I'm done for today, only did one more thing and that was put up a fanart page, so gimme s'more pics to put there.....please?

October 22, 2002: I organized and catagorized all my pics today, I will eventually (hopefully) get them all their own directories, just to make it easier for me to get them all up. Keep a look out for new pages. Enemies, Miscellaneous and all the actual Cardcaptors

November 7, 2002: Started a page for all the misc info about Card Captors, dont have much time know, but I'll get that looking fancy soon. For now the only thing on it is a story synopsis, but it's still worth checking out!

January 8, 2003: Happy New Year! I'm back, and I got a Bio page up, only one, and its for Sakura, but you know, it works! Take a peek and enjoy, you can find it on the info page.

January 15, 2003: One day after my anniversary with Jen (1 year 4 months) and I'm putting up a bio of Li that I finally managed to get done, hope you guys all enjoy and if you have any suggestions, as always, send them in.

May 13, 2003: Once again I find it a long period between work done. Even now it is only a small addition to this site, but there it is :) I have created a club, for talking about both Digimon and Card Captors (mostly Digimon) This is at the request of a guestbook signing I found. You will be able to find a link to this club on my links page so join, if you wish.

April 13, 2004:Heh, almost a year this time, my fans (if I have them) are gonna eat me alive :P Anyway, 5 new links to the comics I read, so check them out guys!