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My Digimon Site
My site that I made just on Digimon a while back, my first site, that I'm STILL working on.....

Dragons and Unicorns
The site Jen and I are sort of working on together. Its all about Dragons and Unicorns

Jen's Poems
A site Jen made on all of her poems

A real funny site
My friend Richard made this site in his programming class at school. I wish they had shown us how to do that kinda stuff......

All about Jen!
This is a site Jen made all on herself. Its really cool!

A site on Jen's Fave band
I'm not quite sure why BR is Jen's fave band, but you know, to each her own.

Another funny site with a lot of real cool Flash movies.
I strongly encourage you to check this site out, it is sooooo funny!

Quite possibly the best MUD on the net, free to play, lotsa fun.

My poems
I dont know if any of you really care or not, but heres a link to all my poems

A good CC site Jen found for me
Jen found this site for me, and I thank them for everything she took from there.

Another site Jen found.
This site also has some Digimon info, worth checking out

Official US cardcaptors site
This site is really good, I tried to put it in before, but lost the link, so here it is now....

Anime Wallpapers
A page with a lot of good backgrounds for your pc.

A webcomic that I love to read, funny, interesting story, read it!

Nuklear Power
Another webcomic that I read, based on the original Final Fantasy video game for the NES, really, really funny, worth reading.

VG Cats!
VG Cats, a weekly web comic, also really funny!

Another funny comic starring Tycho and Gabe, two funny guys.