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Kelly's SailorMoon Site


Hey, I'm Kelly! My sis is Summer, maybe you've heard of her. She's helping me with the site becuz I don't know any HTML. I was thinking about giving pics to people for hits. I call them "Hit Pics." Check out the "Hit Pic" link for more info on that. I am starting a new artwork section! Yippie! I will be putting my artworks, Summer's artworks, and pics I picked up around the web. Right now I think I'm Gunna hand it over to my sis for a min. Au revoir, mes amies!(I'm learning French from Summer)

Summer's Turn

Hey, I'm Summer. I am helping my lil sis becuz I'm nice that way. Really, she doesn't know very much HTML and she still wants her site big a spectacular. Well, I'm not that good. But I do my best. If you want to kno more about ME. Then go to the "Summer's Info" link! Ok, so here's the deal, I need some more ideas on how to improve this site. I'm thinking possibly using frames, but Kelly doesn't like that idea. She has decided that she wants to start an art gallery. That means more work for me. Also, she won't let me scan her pics anymore cuz I put my name on her artwork cuz I wasn't paying attention. I think this is going to be an interseting site. Now please, bare with me, this site will be changing alot to try out diffrent styles. C~YA 4 NOW!

Why I Started A SailorMoon Site

I started this site becuz it gives me something to do. My sis told me that I need to tell you all that all names, pics, and ect. belong to the creators of sailormoon and those people who draw the pics. I don't kno why, but I guess its important.

Site Stuffings

If you have any nice pics or anything then send them to me. If you hand draw them or make them yourself then they will be copywrited to you. I guess thats all I have to say! BYE!!!

Hit Pics

Hey, the next Hit Pic is at 100! Please go to the "Hit Pics" link for more info. Please remeber, my drawings, are my drawings. Don't steal them, I will put my name on all of them!

Rap It Up

I can't think of anything else. If you want to learn more about me then just go to "about me" and you'll find more info. Like age, gender(like its not obvious) and so forth! BYENESS!!!!

Happy Happy Links

Summer's Info

About Me

Hit Pics


Oh!! I made a new banner!! Ok, Summer made it, but I drew the pics!! Now You all can link to me!! Yippie!!


This is my banner!

My Favorite things about SailorMoon

Friends Sites

Morty's Site
