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Someday Shining...





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Last Updated: August 21, 2002


Hello, and welcome to my Magic Knight Rayearth site, Someday Shining! This site was named after the MKR song "Itsuka Kagayaku", or "Someday Shining". (It really is a nice song, it's the ending itself that is kinda creepy o_0) This site doesn't have much yet, but I have seen/read all of MKR so this site will be quite helpful when it's done. ;)

Notes from me

As you probably have guessed, I did not create Magic Knight Rayearth (Heh, I coulda paid someone to make a better site if that was the case) This is just a fan site. Magic Knight Rayearth is owned by CLAMP, Kodansha, Sega, and MediaBlasters/Animeworks/Whatever they're called. Just had to include this ^^

Also... a lot of these pictures I just took from other sites. If you see your's, please don't get offended because I'm not claiming it as my own. If you'd like, email me and I'll include a link to you near the picture. but remember that this site isn't really for the pictures, only the ones I made.