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  リュサキ,なお >


No more happenings. The site has died my friends...

  ユャォヒスリン >
(IDLE) [A/N: I wish he wasn't]
  リュサキ,なお >     
The convention was fun. Still I am having withdrawls over it. It was so exciting and for once I didn't feel alone. 

(Yes, I sound very dorky right now, but I only have that to look forward to all year: O H A Y O - C O N

 CALDRIN >         
Do you have any idea how bad this site is looking right now? I thought you would have those comics up by now. Jesus.
And you didn't even go and buy me hentai at the convention. I should have kept your Bridget outfit. :P
Damnit. What the hell am I supposed to post on here? You need to work on your HTML.

Content © 1999-2005

UPDATES: (Happenings)


Konnichiwa. Yes, I know I am writing in English. Sorry. I just got back from a convention. Sites are still down but I have a new photo-album up. I did not update it will but might by Sunday (Jan 23)

PostPosted: (Jan  21, 2005)

 PHOTO-ALBUM: (not-updated)



(I have a new icon by the way. Though I still prefer my Naruto one from last year.)



Mini Journal: (LINK SOON)

January 21/ 05:

My stomach hurts really bad, and I am most likely depressed. I am thinking about someone right now but I don't know if they are thinking about me. I shouldn't be so negative but I can't help but think the worse of things over the good. My grades are slipping and with that is my insanity. Nothing really seems to please me anymore...

[yes, I guess this sounds like one of "Sasuke's Angst Poems"]

I am drowning out my sorrows with Akeboshi (1st Naruto Ending), which only seems to throw me even further into my whole: "I hate life and I wish that I could have more hours of sleep" issue. Being an insomniac sucks. I don't think I even really told my family about it... But... most of the nights I am awake. I am just trying to sleep, and laying around on my bed is boring.

On a happy note. I am very happy that I got to go to the OHAYO-CON 05 for more than just one day. I was there for the majority of all three. I miss all my new friends and hung up my Sasuke outfit on the end of my bed as a reminder of something I actually enjoyed.

The skit went out pretty well, we didn't win awards but that doesn't matter. We made people laugh.