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Princess Insanity's Unreality

Welcome to the Insanity Insaneness of the Princess' Insanity Unreality!

"The current webmaster is currently out of her mind but feel free to currently leave a current message currently informing the current webmaster of your current complaints and compliments after the current sounding of the current beeping. (in a sly voice)So......what color underwear are you wearing. "You must be at least your height in order to view this website." Meowing to the sun and Moon, Barking at the Queen's High Noon.


3/29/03 Hey guys,I know that I don't update much anymore but
don't think that I've forgotten about this place. I've decided that I'm putting well
not really back up but I am KEEPING the utena part of this site.
I just finished updating that gallery. I think that I'm going to completely re-design the
Utena gallery. Anyways, I'll keep updating it so that one day
it will be a good website and than you guys can tell me
what Animes you would like to see here. I'm thinking of adding Tenchi Muyo and Hamtaro.
P.S. If you do try to e-mail me make sure to give it a topic
like "your webpage" Or "P.Insanity"
or something or else I'll think its spam and delete it.

Konnichiwa!!!!! HI!! hehehe welcome to the insaneness pit! Don't worry about catching it.
Its only extremely contagious (WOW! TWO Really BIG WordS!)I have (drum roll please)
lots and LOTS and LOTS of stuff!!!
okay maybe not that much. Lets see I gotssssss Sailor Moon pictures and
Utena Pictures. I have midis and a dreamy dreambook and a
links page, and well.... thats it but more is coming! YAY! I'm going to get a poll page and
some cool interactive stuff if I have enough bandwidth (stupid bandwidth)
and a whole bunch of other stuff. I'll put up what I can but you must be patient. Patient.
Okay breathe in, Breathe out..... happy place happy place okay I'm alright.
I'm alright. Well back to the site,if you want to explore some
more I advize you to scroll down and proceed with caution(OOOO Big WORD!)


la dee daa dee daa HM! Ur still here I thought ya left by now!
Oh well ummm ummmm okay (mumbling to self)
okay entertain the guest thats your job but I don't
know how to entertain the guest so what'll I do I don't
know what to do WAIT!(stops mumbling) (incoherent screaming can be heard
as I go running and sreaming into the wall therefore knocking myself out)