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Inu YAsha Gallery

Last Update: 11-18-01

Inu Yasha      Welcome to my Inu Yasha Gallery. Takahashi Rumiko's Inu Yasha is my favorite manga, and this is my tribute to it. I first discovered Inu Yasha through fansubs. Little did I know that those first seven episodes of what appeared to be a better than average entertaining fantasy would turn into my favorite pasttime. I know own all of the currently available tankouban excluding volumes 2 and 8 (out of stock, wah!), and I cannot wait for Viz to release the show on DVD, though the manga is far better.

     Right Click has been disabled on some pages, so you will be unable to save the images (of course, there are ways to circumvent this easily). Please enjoy the images, I know I do :) . Oh, and buy the artbook! It is so much better to hold it in your hands than to look at scans on someone's webpage!

Artbook Scans

Manga Scans
scanning always in process. . .

Mangascan pages are on Tripod due to limited space on Geocities

How Messy Will it Get?

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