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Disclaimer: I don't own dbz....blah, blah, blah it'a annoying that you keep on having to write this!! Please review

Madison: Okay i wrote this in 23minutes, i counted he he, anyway i just thought this one up soo...

Vegeta: enought of your yap no wonder people don't review!

Madison: ::starts sulking::


It had been a year since he had confessed his love for me and I for him. Things were going so well he even moved in with me to show his affection. Chichi, bulma had died of a heart virus and 18 has breast cancer. I was actually quite happy for them because they would have had a heart attack if we told them about us. I was busy making breakfast and…… well he went out in the morning, every time I asked him where he was going all he said was that he had to train. I asked him why not eat first, his only answer was "I'll be back soon". I was worried he to went out at night sometimes after making love he would say he needed to take a shower then all I would hear was the door creaking.

He was always making up excuses. At times he would hit me and I would cough up blood. One time when we were sparring I told him I had had enough, so I turned my back on him, immediately he threw a huge ki blast at my back, I was in the hospital for days on end, not once did he apologize for doing what he did, instead he said "your pitiful you can't do anything right" I knew what he said was true in someway but that just broke my heart, sometime after that when I was busy making breakfast for him I started to cry, he didn't ask me what was wrong…he took his food to eat in the gravity room and left me sulking on the floor.

I cried every night that he took me, I didn't feel love coming from him, I felt as if he was using me, taking his pleasure from me. One night he had gone too far and I started bleeding. He cursed at me and slapped me for crying, all he did now was to get inside of me and take me again and again. The physical pain I felt was nothing compared to it mentally…I cry now for no reason.

I finished making breakfast for him just in time when he returned, I look at him, his cloths were clean not a scratch on them what kind of training did he do, mentally? No normally it would be physical. I smelt him; he was drenched in sweat and sex? He smelt like Gohan, oh no I thought to myself he he couldn't not after everything we've been through. He looked up at me looked at my pained expression. He got up and leaned in and kissed me and started to nibble my earlobe.

Before I knew it I was on our bed and we were both naked, this time he prepared me, I wasn't ready, I didn't want to have sex not now. He stuck in one finger after the other, he didn't seem to hear me say stop it or see my fists clenched. He started to thrust in and out first slow and then fast, I started to cry again, it was the only thing that I knew how to do, he stopped and punched me in the cheek, blood rippled down the side of my chin, and he told me not to cry anymore, he continued one thrust after the other…he eventually stopped we were both unconscious.

The sun had finally gone down, my love was still asleep I got up and got dressed into my orange gi and wrote a letter to him, I shot up into the sky with no destination as long as I could get away from him.

Day broke and his lover was long gone, he couldn't sense him anywhere, he got up and got dressed ready to go downstairs. His breakfast was not made his cloths were not cleaned… he cursed under his breath, "why the hell isn't everything done around this house?" He walked towards the door when he noticed a letter on the telephone table, it was handwritten addressed to him, he picked up the letter and it wrote:

My one and only love

Where I have gone you cannot follow me, maybe you once did have feelings for me but lately I have noticed that those feelings have long passed away…You changed, your feelings changed and most of all your heart changed for another, I couldn't believe that you were with another man, this is the reason why I cried, I cried because you changed, well doesn't everyone? I hope that you find happiness in the rest of you life and have a special place for me in your heart, you maybe wondering why breakfast or clothes aren't made… like I said I have gone to a place where you cannot follow me, you may search you may do as you wish but you or I shall never see each other again, not now not ever,

To my love: vegeta no ouji

From: kakrotto your guardian angel, from above…

Madison: I'm sorry it's short i'll write along one next time unless you would like me to write tons of short ones in like a week or a really long one that would take a month? Your choice e-mail me!

Chapter two