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Well the first season of gunslinger is on the way but the whole thing is getting way too complicated for me. Slowly i am learning new stuff but i stil have absolutely no idea what i'm doin when it comes to computer stuff. anyway the sydacate is finally here. the syndacate is a group of manga drawing people who will have their comics on my site. however this is tricky since im the only one who has anything drawn, so this may take a while. also, gunslinger is no longer my main comic, i'm now working on The S and Angel lady which will be up october 20, 2002 so get ready the syndacate is coming, and no one is safe.


click on the above pic to voyage to the syndacate's realm want me to say hi to you? just email your first name to me and i will say hi to you my hi list is below

Hi Aimee! Hi Adam Hi Katesara Hi Steph Hi colin Hi Mike R. Hi Angela Hi sydacate

the syndacate is:
[mike e] [aimee r] [mike r] [angela s]
on freelance is:
[adam e]

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