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Disclaimer: Just in case you didn’t know already, I don’t own this stuff.


Note: For the purposes of this fic, it takes place in the Gundam Wing universe, except the colonies send more than just the Gundams to battle. So the colonies are actually sort of like the Duchy of Zeon, except not in name. They send Zaku suits, and whatnot, but there are also the Gundams obviously. Zaku suits are roughly equal to Leo’s in terms of strength, and inferior to Gundams obviously. Earth uses Leo’s and the like, and OZ is still here. Story begins one year after Gundams have come which set off war between the colonies and the Earth. Ranma and company live in AC time. Yes things are different, but that’s just to make it flow better.








Ranma ½ and Gundam/Nadesico


“Fallen Star”


Chapter 1: “Set Into Motion”


By Gray


“Why must everything change? Why can’t anything ever remain as it is? Is it simply fate? Or is there some other reason? They say change brings misfortune, and my life is proof of that. Even my body changes, and with that change I no longer am myself, at least not physically. Perhaps it is not my place to ask why things are the way they are. Why this damn war will not end, why I am cursed to become something I’m not, both figuratively and literally. Why my whole life was destroyed by the destructiveness and carelessness of one person. That one person, who piloted a mobile suit of great power and in the process of escaping the pursuit of OZ soldiers, destroyed the only home I have ever known, and killed the only family I have ever had. The anger I feel towards him is not an explosive, raging kind like that of some, but rather a cold, numb feeling where my soul used to be. The old woman once taught me a technique called the soul of ice. Let’s just say that I’ve mastered it, among other things. And soon, very soon, I will find the Gundam pilot who slaughtered the ones I love, and he will pay. He will pay dearly.”


Tokyo Japan, the ruins of Nerima District. Once a thriving place, full of life, as well as daily martial arts battles, mystic events, panty raids, and God only knows what else. Now just another wasteland of war. The flames may have died down from the explosive battle between a Gundam and OZ soldiers, but the silent cries of those who perished still linger, even after almost a year. One man, barely 20 years old by his looks stands by the wreckage of a particular home, staring at it silently. His blue eyes, once full of life much like the area he stands in, are now devoid of any sort of happiness, though if one were to look closely, they would see a cold flame burning in their depths. The man is dressed in a familiar outfit consisting of a red Chinese shirt, and black drawstring pants tied at the ankles as well as the waist. He also still sports a familiar pigtail. Another figure walks up from behind him, stopping a few feet away.

“It’s been a while…” The pig-tailed man says in greeting without turning around. The other figure nods and speaks.

“It has at that…Ranma.” Ranma smirks a bit.

“4 years or so, if I’m not mistaken, Doctor Tofu…” He says as he turns to regard Tofu. The chiropractor still wears glasses, and still has a small ponytail, but his face, much like Ranma’s, is full of pain. He’s dressed in a flawless black suit complete with tie, and he smiles at Ranma in what he hopes is a warm way, though it comes off more as being strained.

“Yes, it has been 4 years, since I moved away from here to try and better myself for…her.” He bowed his head sadly.

“But when I finally, finally cured myself, I was on my way back to Nerima, when a news bulletin reported it destroyed.” He whispered the last part, his face still bowed. Ranma nodded slightly and turned back to the wreckage.

“Yup, a Gundam, destroyed almost the whole area, in a battle with OZ. It figures that it had to be here…” Ranma spat out the last part, anger beginning to seep into his voice. Tofu nodded sorrowfully.

“Yes, I heard about it all. The Tendo Dojo was wiped out was it not? With no survivors?” Tofu asked with a tremor in his voice. Ranma smirked again.

“What’s the matter Doc. Don’t you recognize where we’re standing? Don’t you realize what I’m staring at?” He asked humorlessly despite the smirk. Tofu’s eyes widened as he realized exactly where he was standing. Right in front of where the gate of the Tendo Dojo used to be.

“My God… I…I had no idea, it’s been so long, I didn’t recognize it like this…” He muttered as he took a step closer. Ranma grinned, though it was not a happy grin.

“Don’t feel bad Doc, when I got back from the training trip I had gone on when this happened, I didn’t recognize it either…” Tofu walked over to where Ranma was standing, stumbling slightly, and collapsed to his knees there.

“Kasumi…” He whispered. Ranma sighed and bowed his head.

“Yeah, their all gone…Kasumi, Nabiki, Mr. Tendo, Pop, Mo-Mother, and…and Akane…” He clenched his fists angrily at her name. Showing sorrow for the first time in front of Tofu. Ranma then raised his head and looked at Tofu critically.

“So what brings you here Doc, if you didn’t recognize the area, then you must have been looking for me. Why?” He asked with little emotion in his voice, though Tofu felt a little better that at least he still called him Doc. He slowly got to his feet, and adjusted his glasses.

“Yes, well, when I discovered that Nerima had been destroyed, I became a broken man. I drank, I let my practice fall to pieces, and I lost almost everything. Then, through a friend, I managed to get a job at a very large and wealthy heavy industries company. The company is called Nergal, and it’s now the biggest company in the world. I’m going to be working as a doctor aboard a new vessel they just completed. A privately owned battleship, called the Nadesico…” He trailed off as Ranma blinked at the name.

“Don’t ask…anyway, right now they’re in the process of assembling a crew. Naturally, they pretty much have little to work with since the military and OZ have all the experienced personnel working for them already, so the crew is going to be a bit unorthodox. Anyway, one of the reasons I got a job onboard a battleship created to battle the colonies was to fulfill a need to, even in so small a way, avenge those I lost in the massacre. Then, I found out that you were still alive…and well, I thought I should give you the same chance…” He noticed that Ranma’s eyes showed a sign of…interest perhaps?

“You see, Nergal is testing out a new type of mobile suit. It’s called an Aestivalis, and the reason they’re so different, besides the fact that they are modeled somewhat after the Gundams, is that they are piloted through the use of nanomachines…” Ranma blinked at that word.

“Nanomachines…? You mean like tiny, microscopic machines?” He questioned. Tofu’s eyes widened.

“You know of them? I’m a bit surprised…” Ranma chuckled at his words.

“Why? Because I’m not quite as dumb as I used to be? Well, let’s just say that I’ve been trying to better myself a little, and improving my speech, as well as my vocabulary is part of that…” Tofu looked skeptical. Ranma sighed.

“Well, actually, I was trying to get into OZ, but I failed their academic entrance test, and so I’ve been trying to improve my education so I could try again…” He said as he looked away, a tad embarrassed that he had failed the test. Tofu just took it in stride and continued his story.

“Yes well, anyway, the process by which an Aestivalis is piloted involves these nanomachines being injected into the individual, and using them to interface, and manipulate the mobile suit. However the process is imperfect, and has already killed several volunteers. But while the risks are high, the reward is a shot at the colonies, and in specific, the five Gundams…” He was interrupted by Ranma raising a hand to stop him.

“Say no more Doc… just tell me where I sign.”


The paperwork went surprisingly swiftly, and it became obvious to Ranma that they were desperate for volunteers for this thing.

“Good thing I have some experience in piloting suits at least…” He thought to himself as he turned his completed forms in. The woman who received his filled out papers gave him a look of sympathy, and he tried hard to ignore it. Sympathy was one thing he didn’t need, or want for that matter. As he waited for his turn to be injected, he noticed that there were about five other guys still in the room with him. A sickening scream was heard, and the sound of a body bag being zipped up could be heard. One guy sitting in the room threw up on the floor, and Ranma did his best to ignore it. Why were they so afraid of death? Didn’t they know that there was nothing to live for anyway?

“Nothing except revenge…” Ranma thought as his turn came next. The woman who would administer the injection had a clinical air to her, made even more so by the white lab coat she wore. She was blonde, and had narrower eyes than most, though Ranma had to admit that she was rather attractive, in a cold sort of way, though he suspected she wasn’t as icy as she looked.

“Just to let you know, the success rate of this is less than 12%…” She said as she prepared the injection. Ranma shrugged, much to her amazement.

“Aren’t you scared?” She asked, clearly puzzled. He shrugged again.

“Not really, I don’t have much to lose…” He muttered almost as an afterthought. She blinked in confusion, clearly puzzled by the young man’s odd behavior, but decided to just do her job.

“I’m Ines by the way, Ines Fresange…” She said. Now why had she told him that? Especially when he was probably about to die. She disregarded that and placed the needle against his neck.

“Are you ready?” She asked with a small tremor in her voice. Despite her outward coldness, she always hated this part. He just closed his eyes, and she took that as a yes.

“Here goes…” She said as she pressed the trigger of the injector. A click was heard by Ranma, before a white hot pain surged through his body, making him want to scream out, but he held it in, not willing to show any weakness, although a small part of him came to the conclusion that he was dying. Oh well, maybe now he would finally see Akane and the others, though he wished that he could have avenged them all first, but he gave it his best shot, no use in crying over it. That was his last thought as everything went black.


Heero Yuy was not exactly the type of person who could be surprised easily, despite his young looks, he had seen and done far more than any other person his age. Bred to be the ultimate soldier, he was as cold and ruthless as they came. The scientists had done their job well. Still, the message he had just received on his laptop from Dr. J did cause a slight twitching of his facial features. Though it was no big deal at all for a normal person, for Heero it was the equivalent of a look of shock. The new orders he had just received called for him to aid a squad of Zaku in their assault on a non-military heavy weapons factory in Japan. Apparently they were building some sort of new battleship there. It was actually somewhat close to Tokyo. Thinking of the location gave him chills as he recalled the last time he had been in Japan on a mission. But he banished thoughts of this from his mind and instead concentrated on his new assignment. How the Doctor had gotten hold of the colony’s mission plans was beyond him, but he wasn’t about to question. Though he and the other Gundam pilots worked separately from the regular colonial forces, that didn’t mean they were on different sides. They just fought in different ways. Deciding he had best get to the assigned area ASAP, he shut his laptop off and activated his Wing Gundam, which was currently hidden in a small lake and in auxiliary power mode to conserve energy. After igniting his thrusters and hurtling out of the lake, Heero whispered quietly to himself.

“Mission… accepted…”


“Damn, not another one…!” Akane cried as she watched the news report on the television show an OZ Leo mobile suit getting blown apart by a colonial Zaku Assault suit. Kasumi looked up at her younger sister.

“Akane, language please…” She said in a  tired tone, as if used to doing it often. Akane looked sheepish.

“Sorry Kasumi…” She muttered, before turning back to the TV. Soun sat in his usual position with Genma, playing a rousing game of “anything-goes style shogi” as they called it. Nodoka just called it “cheater’s style shogi” but they ignored her. Nodoka herself sat on the couch beside Kasumi, and continued to knit something, while the eldest Tendo girl followed suit. Nabiki was watching TV with Akane on the floor, and also adding her verbal signs of annoyance as more and more Earth Federation mobile suits were reduced to scrap by the larger Zaku force that had attacked the military base off the coast of Nagasaki earlier in the day. The footage showed the battle in detail, though the terrible losses suffered by the Earth were somewhat disconcerting. Ranma walked in after several moments, clothed in a tank top and toweling himself off after a fairly intense workout in the dojo. Akane looked up at him and motioned for him to come over.

“Hey Ranma, wanna watch the news with us?” She asked calmly. The pig-tailed boy shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

“Feh, what do I care ‘bout some stupid idiots who don’t even know how to fight killing each other in big dumb tin cans?” He said as he continued his trek up to his room. Nodoka stopped him with a disapproving glance.

“Ranma, show more respect for our soldiers. They’re out there fighting for us all!” She said, to which Akane nodded.

“Yeah Ranma, you should show more interest in the war, it’s very important!” She said, to which Ranma scowled.

“Aw, who cares, buncha idiots thinkin’ they’ll settle everything by killin’ each other…buncha morons if ya ask me…” He trailed off in incoherent mutterings and continued upstairs. Nabiki spoke up however.

“Really Ranma, you should be more concerned about it, you never know when it will affect you.” Ranma just scowled deeper and stalked upstairs.

“Tch, wadda I care bout some stupid war…those idiots can kill each other if they want, I don’t give a damn, it’s not my problem…”


“Not my problem…” Ranma gasped and shot up out of the bed he was in, causing Ines Fresange to gasp and back away from him, and Doctor Tofu to look at him concernedly.

“Are you alright Ranma?” He asked, to which the young man looked up at him blankly.

“It was just a dream then…” He whispered, before sighing and closing his eyes sadly. Tofu looked confused.

“Ranma…?” Ranma shook his head and bowed it.

“Nothing Doc, just some memories…nothing to worry about.” His bangs obscured his eyes, and if one could see them, one would see that they had unshed tears lurking in their depths. Then he came to a realization and whipped his head up.

“Wait a minute, I’m alive!” He cried and whipped his head over to Dr. Fresange, who smiled slightly.

“Yes, Ranma, miraculously enough, you beat the odds and survived the nano-injection, which means you are now able to pilot an Aestivalis.” She said, to which Ranma smiled slightly.

“Good, when do I get started?” He asked.

“As soon as possible Mr. Saotome.” A voice called as the door to the rest room opened, revealing two men. One rather short, and the other extremely large. It was the smaller man who had spoken. He was dressed in an odd sort of outfit with a tie, and had glasses and a moustache. All in all, he looked somewhat like an executive type. He pushed his glasses up slightly.

“Congratulations on surviving the procedure Mr. Saotome.” He said a she shook Ranma’s hand. Ranma wordlessly returned the handshake and blinked as the big man saluted him.

“Welcome aboard, Pilot Saotome…” The man said in a gruff voice. Ranma just nodded seriously in response.


When the two had left, Ranma thumbed the door they had exited dubiously.

“Who the heck were they?” He asked, to which Ines smiled slightly.

“Oh, well, the large one was Mr. Goat Hoary, our military adviser. The other man was Mr. Prospector, he’s sort of our liaison with Nergal, he’s also in charge of all matters regarding finance and whatnot.” Ranma nodded his head and crossed his arms. Then he noticed the strange marking on his right hand.

“What the heck is that!?” He asked as he turned his hand in different ways to examine it. He noted that it glistened slightly when it caught the light, giving it a myriad of colorings, similar to a rainbow.

“That would be your nano-tattoo. It’s something caused by the nanomachines currently swimming around in your bloodstream as we speak, and it basically indicates that you have them. It also functions as a sort of control indicator. It will flash when you interface with the Aestivalis or any other mechanical device that uses nanomachines to function.” Ines explained as Ranma continued to examine his “tattoo” in curiosity.

“Man, weird stuff…” He muttered, before turning to the two doctors.

“So, can I get out of bed now?” He asked curiously. Tofu chuckled and moved over to him.

“Yes Ranma, just as soon as I conduct a quick examination of you.” He said as he began to do just that.

“Amazing, I’ve never seen someone recover so quickly!” Tofu said as he finished his examination. Ines was similarly awed, even more so in fact considering that she had never seen Ranma’s amazing recovery ability.

“Simply astounding! I swear Ranma, sometimes I think you aren’t human!” Tofu exclaimed in a joking manner. Ranma bowed his head slightly.

“Maybe I’m not, at least…not anymore…” He whispered. Tofu and Ines blinked in confusion.

“What?” They asked, to which Ranma just shook his head.

“Nothing, can I go now?” He asked calmly.

“Um, sure Ranma…why don’t you go explore the ship…it’s going to launch soon…” Tofu said, to which Ranma nodded slightly and left the room without another word, leaving Tofu and Ines to blink at each other in confusion.

“What was that about?” They asked simultaneously.


“So, I’m finally here…” Ranma muttered as he gazed at an Aestivalis towering above him in the hangar of the Nadesico.

“This is what I’m going to pilot, hmm, it does look sorta like a Gundam, I guess, although it looks less…agile I guess, which isn’t always a good thing, but then again, it certainly looks a lot better than those stupid Leo’s they made us train in back in basic…” He thought to himself as he noted that some maintenance crewmembers were making last minute checks on the various Aestivalis standing around the hangar. Ranma sighed and bowed his head.

“God, Akane, I miss you so much…” He said quietly as tears threatened to spill past his eyelids once more.

“Who’s Akane…?” A voice said from behind him.

“Gah! Who’s there!” Ranma yelled as he leapt up and landed in a defensive stance, ready to retaliate against any attacks from his unnoticed opponent. Anyone good enough to sneak up on him had to be a skilled martial artist, and skilled martial artists usually meant potential rival with him.

“Please don’t hurt me! I’m sorry! You can have my money, just don’t do anything to me!” Needless to say, he almost face-faulted when he saw that the individual in question was in fact a scared looking young girl about his age with long shiny blue hair. She continued to tremble in fear, and Ranma sighed and tried to calm her down.

“Hey, look, I’m sorry for scaring you like that. It was dumb of me, and I was just a little surprised that’s all!” He soothed, trying not to make any threatening gestures. The girl seemed to calm down a bit, and breathed out a sigh of relief.

“So, you mean, you aren’t going to steal all my valuables and do horrible things to my body?” She asked curiously, all fear seemingly gone. This time, Ranma did face-fault. When he got up his expression showed a great deal of anger and shock.

“What!? No! Where in the hell did you get a crazy idea like that!?” He yelled, causing her to cringe slightly. Blowing out a breath to calm himself, Ranma visibly relaxed, and tried again.

“Look, let’s just forget all about that okay? Let’s start over. My name is Ranma, Ranma Saotome…” He didn’t use the familiar finish “of the anything-goes school of martial arts!” because that school was dead. Dead when all the other practitioners, as well as the only actual dojo that taught it, were blown away like so many leaves in the wind. At the thought of the massacre, his fists clenched, but he calmed himself when he saw the girl introducing herself as well.

“My name is Yurika Misumaru, and I’m the Captain of the Nadesico!” She said cheerfully, to which Ranma blinked slowly and stared at her.

“This girl is the Captain!? Dear lord what have I done to deserve this? She’s a goddamn twit!” He thought to himself, already knowing her personality after talking with her for only a few moments.

“These ditzy types are all the same…” She didn’t seem to acknowledge his sudden silence, but did notice something else as she glanced at his right hand.

“Oh! You’re a pilot! Wow! Then you must be Ranma Saotome!” She said excitedly as she shook his hand.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you sir, and it’s amazing that you were able to survive the nano-process and be up and about so soon afterward…” She blushed a bit as she seemed to realize what she was doing and quickly let go of his hand and took a step back.

“I’m sorry, you’re probably tired still…would you like to rest a bit or anything, perhaps something to eat?” She asked, trying her best to be polite to the handsome, if slightly cold young man in front of her. He seemed nice enough, just a bit withdrawn. It was as if he was carrying some heavy burden. Ranma blinked as she suddenly seemed to become a bit less spastic.

“Hmm, what’s up with her now?” He wondered silently to himself. She seemed to be fidgeting with her hair a bit. The fact that this was done seemingly subconsciously, meant that she no doubt did it quite often. They continued to stand in shared silence for several moments, both looking away from each other uncomfortably. Then Ranma noticed that the entire maintenance crew were standing around them staring. This was annoying to say the least.

“Don’t you idiots have anything better to do!?” He yelled angrily, which caused them all to grumble and sulk away. Rubbing his forehead to ward off a large headache forming, Ranma looked up at his…Captain.

“So, would you like to accompany me to the bridge?” She asked with a smile. Ranma shrugged.

“Sure, I have to report there anyway, lead the way.” He said, hoping she wouldn’t realize he didn’t know where on earth the bridge was. She seemed to grow slightly uncomfortable.

“Um, actually…” She trails off.

“Actually…” Ranma says, curious as to what the problem was.

“Okay! Okay! I don’t know where the bridge is!” She yells, slightly annoyed both at herself and this guy who made her admit it, despite the fact that she was the Captain of the ship. Rubbing his head to at least help the incredibly large headache that he now had, Ranma sighed.

“Alright, then why don’t we just look for it together?” He said, to which she nodded excitedly.

“Okay!” Ranma just sweat-dropped at her reply.

“Man, she sure doesn’t stick to one mood does she?” Suddenly, an alarm sounded throughout the ship and the base it was housed in.

“What’s going on!” Ranma yelled to a running tech.

“We’re under attack! There’s colonial Zaku’s out there! And a Gundam!” The man yelled, before dashing away. Ranma’s eyes grew cold and his fists clenched.

“A Gundam…” He whispered in a hard voice.

“Yurika looked at him with a concerned expression on her face.

“Ranma…?” She said. He just ignored her and ran towards one of the Aestivalis. This one was solid black. He easily leapt straight into the cockpit, causing Yurika’s, and the surrounding tech’s, jaws to drop. After closing the cockpit, Ranma quickly looked at all the gleaming controls.

“Damn, this is a little different from the Leo I trained in.” Finally, he spied some familiar parts.

“Hmm, that must be the power gauge, and that has to be the comm. unit…” He trailed off as he saw a shining gem-like control near where his hand was. Its color seemed to match his tattoo.

“That must be the interface!” He thought as slapped his palm onto it. Immediately he felt a slight rush as the tiny nanomachines within his body interfaced with the controller. Outside, the Aestivalis’s eyes glowed brightly, and it began to lumber towards the exit elevator.

“Wait! That’s a Land Engagement frame!” One tech yelled. But Ranma paid him no heed, too focused on destroying his sworn enemy. Finally he reached the end of the elevator ride and blasted out onto the ground.


Back inside the Nadesico, Yurika watched him go, before turning and running towards where she hoped the bridge was located.

“You won’t do this alone Ranma!” She thought to herself furiously as she dashed through the halls of the Nadesico.


Outside, Ranma started the Aestivalis’s ground treads, and headed towards the first enemy mobile suit he saw. It was a Zaku, and its single eye glowed bright pink as it saw an opposing mobile suit approach at lightning speeds for a suit. It was barely able to get its gun up before Ranma rammed right into it, causing it to tumble to the ground. Once that was done, Ranma raised his mech’s fist and slammed it down onto the Zaku’s head, crushing it completely.

“Damn, this suit is incredible! So strong!” He thought in wonder, before turning his attention to another Zaku who was taking aim at him from afar with a machine rifle. With a thought, Ranma dodged to the side with incredible speed, twisting to avoid the hot lead pounding towards him.

“And it reacts to my thoughts perfectly! No lumbering giant crap for me! I can be almost as acrobatic as I am in person!” Truly the Nergal techs knew what they were doing when they designed the Aestivalis mobile suit.

“This was worth the pain and risk of that nano-injection.” He muttered while ducking behind some cover to avoid the three Zaku firing at him.

“Now what to do?” He wondered.

“I got it…” He thought with a grim smile. The Zaku ceased firing for a moment, curious as to what the pilot of this strange new mobile suit was going to do. They got their answer when the large rock he was hiding behind began to tremble and shake. Then, to their amazement, it was lifted into the air, held aloft by the Aestivalis’s superior strength.

“Eat this!” Ranma yelled as he chucked his massive weapon at them. The boulder struck true, and crushed two of the three Zaku’s. There was one left, and before he could react, Ranma had dashed towards him, and smashed his cockpit in, instantly killing the pilot. Ranma smirked ever so slightly.

“Feh, piece of cake.”


On the bridge of the Nadesico, the various crew members looked on in awe as the only pilot they currently had laid waste to four fully armed Zaku mobile suits with brutal efficiency and quickness.

“Good God, who is this guy?” Jun Aoi, second in command next to Yurika wondered out loud. Next to him, the recently arrived and hastily introduced Captain Yurika also watched in disbelief as the boy her own age she had met earlier annihilated over half of the attacking squad. Mr. Hoary turned to Mr. Prospector.

“Where in the hell did we get this guy?” Goat asked. Mr. Prospector smiled slightly.

“Why, our Doctor Tofu recommended him! Though I suspect his current skills are partly because of the Aestivalis, but he’s still most impressive.” The shrewd man responded without turning away from the view screen, where everyone’s else’s eyes were glued as Ranma destroyed yet another enemy Zaku.


“Well, there’s another one, according to the radar that leaves one more…” Ranma’s face then grew steely.

“Besides the Gundam of course…” He whispered coldly. His radar suddenly blared a warning, and he barely managed to bring up his arm in order to block the last Zaku’s beam axe weapon.

“Damn, I got careless!” Ranma yelled. He gritted his teeth, willing the Aestivalis through his link with it to strain harder against the Zaku. But it was a losing battle as the enemy pilot had the advantage of momentum.

“Damn it! Get off me you colonial bastard!” Ranma yelled as he brought his knee up and smashed it into the Zaku’s chest area, causing the suit to buckle slightly from the impact, and enabling him to bring his other arm around and smash it’s fist into the Zaku’s head, crushing it completely.

“Bastard…” Ranma muttered, before turning his attention skyward where his radar indicated another enemy.

“That has to be…” He trialed off as the sight in the sky made his blood run cold. Silhouetted against the moon was a vision from his nightmares.

“The winged Gundam…” He whispered. Then his face grew hard.

“It’s payback time you bastard!”


Author’s Notes: Yes, this is a little different from what I usually write, and many things have been changed from the various series it’s based on, but that is only to make them meld together better. Next chapter will showcase the battle between an Aestivalis and a Gundam, and a battle between Ranma and Heero of course. It will also go into more detail about what Ranma did after the destruction of Nerima. Until then.