Disclaimer: I don't own Nadesico or any of it's characters, and I humbly present this fanfiction in dedication to Nadesico's creator Kia Asamiya and his oh so great creations. So without further ado, here is my fic. (How's that for a disclaimer? Pretty lame huh? Yeah thought so. O_o.) Please R+R by the way! Martian Successor Nadesico Blue Hair and Love By Gray, For Jessica Akito "Lady's man" Tenkawa was sitting in his assigned quarters on the battleship Nadesico enjoying his favorite pastime. Now most would think that this was gaining conquests of the female persuasion, but in truth, Akito wasn't much of a "lady's man." They chased him of course, but he never took advantage of them or anything. In fact, he did his best to discourage them. He wasn't homosexual or anything, he just didn't know how to deal with all that attention. So, the guys were all jealous of him, and the girls all wanted him. (Well, three to be exact, and maybe a few more.) And Akito watched anime. That was what he was currently doing: watching anime. Gekigengar to be exact. It was his favorite after all. He was currently watching the episode where Ken met the mysterious girl Aquamarine, and fell in love with her. It was probably Akito's favorite episode of all, simply because Aquamarine was exactly the kind of girl he wanted. Sweet, kind, pretty, and she could cook. These were the qualities he wanted in a woman, weren't they? Akito thought of the three main women in his life. There was Ryoko, the green-haired pilot who had gotten him out of several tight spots in the past battles against the Jovians. There was Megumi, the cute purple haired Comm. Officer who made it quite clear how she felt about him. He had even kissed her for crying out loud. Even if it was a sort of spur of the moment thing, he still took her first kiss! His thoughts then turned to the girl who was the most confusing to him. "Yurika." He breathed. Such an odd yet strangely fitting name for the captain of the Nadesico and his oldest childhood friend. He wasn't really sure how he felt about her. The other two he liked as friends and just couldn't think of them otherwise, but Yurika... She was his friend yet he always felt like there was something else there. He even had strange dreams about her that made no sense. He knew she liked him, but he figured it was a simple childhood crush and nothing more. A silly infatuation that would pass any day. He also knew that many other guys had their hearts set on her as well. Nagare, the hotshot jerk pilot from Nergal, who wanted her as a conquest. And Jun, another childhood friend of hers who loved her dearly. As his thoughts of Yurika swirled in his spiky head, and Ken screamed the name of Aquamarine in sorrow on the screen in front of him, Akito thought of Yurika's hair. It was such a bright, and pretty shade of blue. It shined and glittered as she walked along. It was long and had a few funny little curls and tangles but was otherwise straight. But most of all, it was so... Yurika. It seemed to almost define her. Her trademark blue locks that cascaded from underneath her cute little Captain's hat and flowed down her back like some sort of ethereal waterfall. Then there were her lips... "Ahhh!" Akito yelled as he snapped open his eyes that had drifted shut during his thought analyzation. He noticed that the screen he had been watching Gekigengar on was blank, indicating the end of the episode and it stared at him ominously. He switched the screen off and just sat for a minute, blinking his eyes slowly. Then he thought of Yurika again. "Argghh! I don't even like the crazy blue-haired nutbar! She's just my friend!" He yelled form within his head. But a quitter but no less clear voice spoke differently. "Yes she's your friend, but you want to make her something more don't you? Why else would you dream and think of her constantly?" Akito cursed to himself and clutched his head, closing his eyes tightly. He willed the little voice to go away, but it still remained. Sighing and calming down, he opened his eyes and decided to engage in his other favorite pastime, that of cooking. He had always wanted to be a cook and tried to train whenever possible. He casually opened the door of his humble little abode and strolled through the stark hallways of the ship towards the kitchen. As he walked he thought of blue hair and pink lips. Cursing again, Akito strolled faster. The kitchen of the Nadesico was pretty ordinary looking. It had all the things a kitchen that served a crew as large as the Nadesico might need. Rows and rows of ingredients, lots of materials like pots, pans and silverware, and several people who worked there. Today however it seemed empty. Akito walked in, snatching an apron on the way and made his way towards the pots. He felt like making some sort of soup dish today and grabbed a fairly good-sized pot with a lid to match, and picked up a stirring spoon as well. He was just about to head over to the ingredients closet and decide what type of soup to make when he detected the sounds of happy humming coming from a corner of the kitchen. Getting a bad feeling about the whole thing in general but mustering his courage anyway, Akito peeked over in the humming's direction. What he saw made him gulp for two reasons. The first was that Yurika was standing there, and she was cooking! Something that had practically been deemed illegal onboard the Nadesico, simply because her food was so toxic and inedible that it had once put Jun in the hospital for weeks. Akito himself had sampled it a few times and barely escaped with his life. However, the second reason he had gulped was because of what she was wearing. Yurika was normally attired in her Captain's uniform, which showed no skin at all. Now however, she was garbed in a tight midriff which showed off the area above her rear quite nicely form Akito's viewpoint. She also wore a pair of tight brown shorts, which clung to said rear as if they had been painted on. It didn't help that she moved her whole body in time to her humming. Akito sweated and gulped again. He stood there staring for several minutes and barely registered Yurika's exclamation of "It's done!" She then turned and Akito knew he was in trouble. "Oh! Akito!!! You saved me the trouble of looking for you! Did you come to try my cooking! You're just too sweet! I promise you'll like it this time! So come on, try some!" Akito gulped yet again and backed away slightly. "Ah, yes, well Yurika, I'm kinda not hungry right now so I thought that..." Akito saw Yurika's face fall and felt like dirt. "Oh... Well that's okay. I'll uh, just throw this out then." She said despondently. Akito groaned to himself and walked over to her, causing Yurika to look up at him with her big, beautiful blue eyes. "Blue like her hair." He thought. "Yurika, I, I'll try some of your food." He said somewhat nervously. Her eyes widened and she smiled. "Oh thank you Akito! I'm so happy!" She hugged him happily and Akito was aware of every curve of her body, including her ample upper areas. He blushed and tried to think of something else. Like his impending death through poisoning. One look at Yurika's beaming face and he thought that maybe it was worth it. Yurika placed some of what apparently was curry in a spoon and placed it in his open mouth lovingly. At first Akito tasted nothing. Then after about five seconds the "curry" seemed to explode with awful flavor. It tasted like old vinegar mixed with sawdust. It was sour and dry at the same time. The last thing Akito saw before he fainted from the terrible taste was Yurika's worried and sad visage. It was also the first thing he saw upon awakening from his impromptu nap. As he opened his eyes and groaned slightly, he saw Yurika's worried and sad face turn relieved and happy before it became completely sad. She turned away, not wanting to see his angry face. He glanced around his surrounding and noticed that he was in Yurika's room. It had lots of odd knick-knacks lying around but was still meticulously clean. He saw her uniform sitting on a chair and realized that he was lying on her bed. "She dragged me all the way to her room?" He then turned his attention back to her. She still had her head turned away and he noticed how fragile and sad she looked. He supposed he should have felt angry at her for poisoning him yet again, and yet he didn't. Maybe it was out of pity, or maybe it was something else. All he knew was that he just wanted to see her happy and bubbly again, like she usually was. So with that thought in mind Akito placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to gently turn her to face him. When she finally did he saw the tears in her eyes and gasped softly. "Yurika... You're crying. Why?" She sobbed quietly and faced him. Even crying she was gorgeous he thought, which was odd since he never thought of her like that. "I'm so sorry Akito. I try so hard to cook for you, to be the kind of girl you want, and it always goes wrong. I always hurt you instead." She cried softly for a few more seconds with Akito slightly dumbstruck before she lifts her head again, this time with a determined if still teary expression her lovely face. "From now on Akito, I won't cook for you. I don't want to hurt you anymore." Akito's eyes widened and he placed his other hand on her opposite shoulder. "Yurika you can't do that! You're determination in everything you do is one of your most endearing features. You never give up! Even when we were kids you didn't. You always did your best to cheer me up or give me hope when I was sad." Akito didn't know why he was trying to get her cook when it practically threatened his life, all he knew was that if she stopped cooking, he felt like she just wouldn't be Yurika anymore. His Yurika never gave up. Yurika stared at him in wonder for a moment before sighing softly and laying her head on his chest. "You're right Akito. Thank you for always being there for me when I need you." She murmured into his chest. Akito smiled to himself and hesitantly wrapped his arms around her small frame. Yurika grinned and burrowed her head deeper into his chest. Akito's thoughts swirled once more. "Why am I hugging her like this? More importantly, why does it feel so right?" The answer hit him like Gekigan Flare (tm). He loved her! He, Akito Tenkawa, loved Yurika Misumaru. His oldest and fondest childhood friend who he had shared his first kiss with when they were younger on Mars. Hr looked down at her and suddenly felt the urge to kiss her once more. So, he unwrapped his arms from her and placed them on her shoulders again. She looked up and inhaled sharply. She saw the tender and loving look he gave her and dared to hope. Hesitantly, their faces both drifted towards each other. Their lips met and they kissed fiercely. Yurika pressed her tongue into Akito's mouth and probed it eagerly. He was shocked at her initiative but simply responded in kind. Her lips were far sweeter than Megumi's, and the kiss was electrifying for the both of them. They pulled away after a bit, both panting for air and still staring at each other. They both blushed furiously and wore happy expressions on their faces. "Akito..." "Yurika...chan." She grinned at him in response to his new name for her and he smiled back. "I love you." They said at the same time and they smiled wider. Akito stared into her eyes and felt his heart swell with happiness. Who cared that she couldn't cook? So what if she was kinda clumsy? These things were what made her Yurika. His Yurika. He loved her, he always had. He continued to stare into her eyes and once more thought of their color. "Blue, like her hair." Author's Notes: How was it? Pretty bad huh? Well, it's my first actual fanfic and so it was kind of an experiment. I did a Nadesico fic because I love the series and think that there aren't enough fics for it. Come On people! Write Nadesico fics! Plus there are no Akito+Yurika fics out there that I have seen. If you know of one, please let me know or send it to me. I am also looking for proofreaders for my stories so e-mail me at grayson_san@hotmail.com if you are interested. Oh Yeah! Please Review this! Good or bad is fine, I don't care. Just review it please.
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