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Disclaimer: Just look at chapter one’s.


Maison Ikkoku

The Guy in Room Number Five: Part 2

By Gray


Hello, it’s me again. I apologize for leaving with such a cliffhanger ending, but well, I’m back. So I might as well get started again hmmm? Alright then…



I just stood there, stood there looking like a fool. Which was nothing new with me of course. Mrs. Ichinose’s words echoed in my head.

“Marriage…” I whispered so low I don’t think I even heard myself at the time.

“No… Kyoko…Why….” I admit I wasn’t making much sense, but then, let’s see how much sense you would make if you were in my situation. I numbly walked up the stairs to my room; I briefly noticed that the window had cracked. Some might say it was a bad omen, but I knew better. Omens told of things to come, but things were already bad. I opened the door and closed it without a sound. I noticed that Yotsuya wasn’t there. I decided not to complain. Although at the time I wouldn’t have really cared very much anyway. I crawled into my small, ratty futon, even though it was still a little early. I laid my head down on the pillow, and I quietly, oh so quietly, cried myself to sleep.

I awoke the next morning, with the sun in my bleary eyes, praying that last night had been a dream, but knowing that it was not so. I wearily rose and went about my morning routine. I was dressed and ready for the day, at least physically, but inside, I felt like just staying in bed, but I had things to do, and besides, I was not going to sink that low. I still had some pride left in me. I walked downstairs, only to come face to face with the psycho brigade themselves. The three of them just sort of stared at me with unreadable expressions. I just stared back, unsure of what was going on, but not really caring at this point. I was beyond caring now. Finally Yotsuya said something.

“So then, just giving up are we? Not even going to put up a fight then.” I always found it odd that such a sneaky worm like Yotsuya could have such eloquent speech, but figured that it was just another odd thing to add about Yotsuya. Then his words hit me. Oddly enough I wasn’t angry, just sort of sad.

“Yes, I don’t think it would be right to interfere in Kyo… The manager’s life. Everyone knows I’ve screwed it up enough as is.” I waited for them to say something else, but nothing came. So without a word more, I walked past them and out the door. I didn’t notice Kyoko watching me from her window. I just noticed the fact that she was not out sweeping like she usually was at this time of day…

I noticed it was quite cold out and was glad that I had remembered to bring a coat. It was old, but it was my coat, and it had served me well over the years.

“It’s winter again already?” I said to myself as I walked along.

“Time flows so quickly…” I wondered why I was getting so philosophical, but chalked it up to the fact that I had my heart broken. Strange how no more tears would come. I thought I would be crying for days, weeks. But I just felt cold and alone. I felt numb to everything, and it wasn’t because of the coldness of the day. Originally I had been planning to look for a new part-time job today, but my heart just wasn’t in it. It was Christmas break thankfully, so at least I didn’t have to worry about school. I decided finally that I would just try to enjoy a nice walk, so, I walked…

I was so lost in thought that I almost didn’t realize where I was, until I noticed all the graves. I had walked all the way to the graveyard. The one where Soichiro Otonashi was buried. I smiled a sad little smile with little real mirth, and stepped over to his grave. I knelt and gave a small prayer. I didn’t have any incense or offerings with me, but I figured that it was enough. Then, surprising even myself, I started to talk out loud.

“Well, here I am… Funny how I always wind up here when something major changes isn’t it. Ah well, guess it’s just fate…” I wasn’t sure if I was talking about me always going there, or about Mitaka marrying her, but it didn’t matter. Hell maybe I was talking about both of them.

“Well, I don’t know if you’ve heard the news yet, so I guess I might as well tell you… Kyoko is getting married again. To Mitaka… Yeah, I know, not exactly a big surprise…” I closed my eyes for a moment and sighed sadly before continuing.

“ I mean after all, it was me or him right? Yup, she made the right choice… The right choice…” I was still kneeling, with my eyes closed and my head bowed. It hurt, it hurt so much… I felt tears come to my eyes, and angrily swiped them away. I had cried enough already, I wasn’t going to cry anymore. But god it hurt… Finally I continued.

“So anyway, I… I just thought you might want to know. I know this goes without saying, but I…” My eyes stung.

“ I hope she will be happy…” A breeze suddenly blew by, and I felt it against my body. It was cold, very cold, but oddly comforting in a way.

“What are you trying to tell me?” I questioned silently. Another breeze blew, even stronger this time.

“What? Do you think I could make her happier?” One last breeze blew, this time more gentle and soft. Suddenly I heard a cough from behind me. Standing up quickly and turning around, I saw her standing there. She was looking at the ground and had an odd expression on her face.

“Kyoko…” I whispered. No breeze blew this time, everything was calm. The calm before the storm…


Author’s notes: God this was depressing. I apologize, I know I said this would get more cheerful, but I needed to make Yusaku sort through his feelings, and it sort of went from there. It will get happier, I promise. Just give it time. After all, there is calm, then there is a storm, and finally, there is sunlight. Or something like that… Er, R+R please! Thank You!!! Bye!