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Disclaimer: I don’t own Ranma ½…




 Part 2: “Mistakes”

By Gray



“Hey Kasumi, what’s that?” Ranma asked as he pointed at the beautiful but obviously very old urn resting on her mantle. Kasumi blinked and glanced at the urn for a moment before replying.

“Oh! That’s something that is very precious to me Ranma…” She explained with a slight reverence in her tone. He continued to examine it curiously, and spoke again.

“Why is it precious?” He asked. He didn’t know why he was being so inquisitive. He guessed that it was because the urn just stood out so much. The way it was placed, with nothing crowding around it, and the meticulous cleanliness that even exceeded Kasumi’s usual level, just seemed to indicate that this was an object worthy of respect. Kasumi smiled slightly as she thought about his question.

“That urn is something given to me as a gift by my Mother before she died, but you see… It’s more than that… It represents things to me. All my hopes, dreams, desires… All of them are represented by that urn. My Mother’s faith in me is embodied by her heirloom...” She blushed a bit.

“It sounds silly doesn’t it?” She asked timidly. Ranma shook his head furiously.

“No way!” He closed his eyes briefly and opened them again, and Kasumi could swear she saw a flicker of pain pass through them. Ranma spoke once more.

“I-I wish I had something like that…Growing up, all I had was…” He smiled slightly.

“I mean, I guess I do come to think of it… The thing that represents my hopes and dreams, is the Art…” Kasumi smiled and nodded.

“Yes! That’s right! We all have something precious to us that represents our dreams of the future…” Ranma nodded again.

“Yeah, you’re right…but hoe come you don’t bring it someplace where everyone can see it…I mean…It is your Mother’s right? So wouldn’t she want everyone to admire it…?” He trailed off uncomfortably, realizing that he had probably put his foot in his mouth once more. And in front of Kasumi no less… There was a tense silence. Ranma finally broke it.

“Well, I guess I better get going, the others will probably be back soon…and we both know how they’ll take me being in your room.” He sounded oddly disappointed and slightly embarrassed. Kasumi started slightly and held up a hand.

“No, please Ranma… Stay a while.” She pleaded. Ranma turned to her and blinked in confusion, before wordlessly nodding and sitting on her bed where she indicated. It was rare that Kasumi asked anything of him. The least he could was keep her company for a bit. Together, the two talked non-stop, learning a great deal about each other that they had never know before. They kept talking… and laughing… and just enjoying one another’s company… until the other members of the Tendo Household finally returned. But Kasumi and Ranma promised that this would not be the last time they talked, but rather, the first of many…


Kasumi hummed merrily to herself as she busily dusted the various areas of Ranma’s room. He was in the dojo training now, so she figured now was as good a time as any to clean his room a bit. It had been a week since their first “talk”, and they had had several more after it, much to her enjoyment. She noted that it took her very little time to clean his room, but then again, he owned so little… Letting a breath out, she surveyed the room, and with some satisfaction saw that it was about as clean as humanly possible. In other words, about average for her. Then she frowned as she realized that she had completely forgotten his unmade futon. Shaking her head at the pig-tailed boy’s forgetfulness, Kasumi quickly set about the task of making Ranma’s bed. Which of course made her blush a bit as she realized that this was something a wife might do for her husband, thinking of Ranma’s bed led to other thoughts that would shock a person who knew Kasumi, but after all, she was a young woman too…she was still a teenager. So deep in thought was she, that she did not notice Ranma entering the room in mid-stretch, with his eyes closed, and his arms stretched above his head to relieve some stress. He stepped on what he thought would be his futon, and instead found himself tripping and falling onto a warm, soft body that emitted an “eep!” When he fell. Opening her eyes, Kasumi stared into Ranma’s own. Both were yet again blushing like crazy, and neither spoke for several moments.

“We need to stop meeting like this…” Ranma whispered.

“Yes, we do…” Kasumi breathed in reply. His eyes were so beautiful…like the azure sky itself. She didn’t know what was happening. She just knew that she wanted to gaze into those eyes…maybe from a bit closer… so she started to move her head, causing Ranma to do the same. They continued to sit in the same position for a little while longer, their lips drifting ever closer before they heard a shout.

“RANMA!!!” The voice was loud and laced with outrage, and perhaps a bit of jealousy. Both groaned, and Ranma found himself being slammed into the wall by the wrath of a vengeful tomboy. Groaning again, this time in pain, he slowly slid down said wall, falling onto the ground with an “umff!” of discomfort. Kasumi stood up, brushing off her dress, and looked at Ranma’s sprawled form with worried eyes.

“Are-are you alright Ranma?” She asked with concern. He declined to comment, but twitched in reply anyway. Akane stood with a scowl on her face directed at the youth, as always. Kasumi briefly wondered if Akane ever had another expression on when looking at, or thinking about Ranma. It certainly didn’t look that way…

“That’s what you get for trying to grope my sister pervert!!!” She yelled at his still twitching form. A mumble of words was heard from the pile that was Ranma. Akane curiously leaned closer to hear.

“What Ranma?” She asked. He spoke a bit louder this time.

“Uh-un-uncute… tomboy…” The words were mumbled and weak sounding. Akane blinked a few times, before growling in rage. Her body lit up with a blue aura, and she pulled up her sleeves. Kasumi took a hesitant step back.

“Oh my…” Kasumi muttered as she watched Akane body-slam Ranma into the floor, before administering several blows to various parts of Ranma’s body.

“And I just cleaned this room too…” She winced as a particularly nasty strike was inflicted on Ranma.

“Oh, that must have hurt…” She didn’t notice a certain lost boy wandering into the house, or a couple of Amazons coming by…or the okonomiyaki chef entering the premises…well…until they started fighting that is…


Ranma sighed sadly as he walked along the fence by the canal during the sunset. He wasn’t sure what made him angrier. Akane’s abuse, the others showing up to add to it as usual, or the missed opportunity with Kasumi. Naturally, he buried the thoughts of the latter, as they led to uncomfortable feelings he wasn’t ready to face just yet.

“She’s never gonna change is she?” His thoughts dwelled on Akane. It seemed that the earlier incident just reinforced something that had gradually been collecting in his mind for a long time. He clenched his fists in anger.

“None of them, none of them are ever going to change. Ryouga still tries to kill me, so does Kuno and Mousse, and then there’s the “fiancée’s” who don’t know when to quit…even after the wedding fiasco…” That had been a particularly nasty incident. Desperation and anger were deadly things. Especially when you consider just how unbalanced and delusional certain rivals and fiancées were… Akane had looked really nice in that dress though…It’s too bad her face was always in a frown or a sneer of disgust. He made his way into the park, which was fairly empty at the moment, his thoughts continuing to grow darker.

“What’s wrong with them all? Why-why can’t they just leave me alone? I just want a life! Is that so much to ask? I just want to be able to wake up and not have to worry about a deranged lunatic attacking me, or a crazy girl grabbing me, or a mercenary blackmailing me…” His hands charged with ki, the physical reflection of his soul. And right now, his soul was quite distressed, to say the least. Sometimes even a small incident like the earlier one with Akane was just enough to send a person over the edge when similiar incidents had been going on for a long time.

“There’s only so much one guy can take…and…I…can’t…take…it…anymore!!!” He cried as he unleashed pent up emotions that had been festering in his soul for years in the form of destructive energy that lanced up through the sky in a Shi-Shi Hokodan that would do Ryoga proud. Exhausted, physically, mentally, and emotionally, he collapsed to the ground on his knees, the very picture of a broken man. Which is when he heard a slight gasp.


Kasumi had seen Ranma leave the house after Akane’s beating, and had hesitantly followed him. The fact that he was so deep in thought probably accounted for the fact that he did not notice her doing so. She had seen him run into the park and had followed him there, only to find him releasing a large ki-blast into the sky, which temporarily awed her, and then falling to his knees. She gasped and ran over to him.

“Ranma!” She said in concern, a note of panic in her voice. He glanced at her and smiled weakly.

“Oh, hello Kasumi…” He whispered. He looked pretty worn out. She tried to support him and help him stand, but he slumped slightly when she placed his arm around her shoulders, so she tried again, this time meeting with success, somewhat glad that all the housework had given her enough muscle to support his larger frame. He smiled slightly at her as they slowly walked home.

“Y’know, you’re the only one who ever listens to me Kasumi…” He muttered almost in a daze. He seemed to be someplace else, his voice carried an odd feel with it. She just nodded, curious as to what he was saying exactly. He sighed forlornly and glanced over at the setting sun, which was finishing its routine dip into the horizon.

“You’re the only one who understands…” He said quietly. He really was acting strange; his behavior was puzzling her to no end. He then seemed to switch topics.

“Do you remember when you told me that we all have something that represents our future?” Kasumi recalled that time well. It had been the first time they had seriously talked with one another, and the first time in a very long time that someone had bothered to listen to her and have a conversation with her.

“Yes, of course I do…” She answered. He continued to look out at the last vestiges of the sun.

“Well, how can I have something to represent my future, when I don’t even have a future?” He whispered. She almost dropped him in shock.

“Wh-what?” Was all she got out. This was so unlike him…What had happened to the Ranma she knew? He saw the sun finally set, signifying the start of the night. He then turned to her, a sad smile on his face.

“I’m sorry, for all the trouble I cause everyone Kasumi… especially you…” She remained silent, unsure of how to respond. They walked in silence for the remainder of the distance home, both lost in thought. Things were coming to a head…Something very big was about to happen…


Ranma tossed and turned in his sleep, his mind filled with thoughts of a future he did not want to have. In it, he was forced to inherit a dojo he did not want, and live a life he did not desire, with someone he did not love any longer. He had loved her once, but now, he was not so sure if those feelings had been genuine. No, they had been genuine, but like fragile glass, they had been shattered after too much abuse…and now lay in broken fragments, virtually unsalvageable. He found himself waking up several times throughout the night, and found sleep to be quite elusive.


The next day, Ranma wearily pounded his Father into the ground during their daily ritual, and trudged into the living room to wait for breakfast. He was tired beyond belief, and felt a discontent in life he had never really known before. He had never really liked his life. When Ryouga had first shown up swearing to destroy his happiness, Ranma had asked Akane if he was indeed happy, to which she shrugged. Now, he asked himself if he was happy, and the answer was a resounding “No!”

“But what the heck can I do? I can fight my enemies and rivals, and I can run from my fiancées, but I can’t fight, or run away from my fate…” He thought despairingly. He heard the Fathers in the other room, already planning a new scheme to get him and Akane together, and groaned in annoyance.

“Why do they always have to add to my problems? Nosy old jerks…” He muttered as he noticed Nabiki and Akane taking their places at the table. Akane, as always, directed a glare at him, and he wondered what he had done now. No doubt some ridiculous conclusion she had come to. Some imagined insult he had dealt her, or some act of insensitivity he had committed without knowing. He mentally let out a sad sigh. She would never change. He could see that now. Why were things becoming so painfully clear to him now? Finally Kasumi came in with breakfast, and the family all sat down to eat. Ranma mentally chuckled at the idea of them all being a family. How ridiculous! He and his Pop were outsiders here. They didn’t belong. They were nothing but freeloaders, end of story. He wondered if Akane would have been happier had he never come. Her life would be a lot better, that was for sure. Then there was Kasumi, if he had never come, she would still have a nice peaceful life, without fear of her home being destroyed by some crazed martial artist out for his blood. The only one in all of Nerima who would suffer from him not coming there would be Nabiki, who would lose a great deal of profit, but he figured she would make do anyway, she was after all, Nabiki Tendo. He noticed Akane still glaring at him, and ignored her, causing her frown to deepen. Ah well, can’t be helped. He continued to eat in silence, and outside, a breeze blew by, causing the charm hanging on the patio to tinkle slightly. It was about to happen…


Kasumi smiled as she walked downstairs. The others were still eating breakfast, and she had gone up to her room to retrieve something. Walking into the dining room, she noticed Ranma’s eyes widening a bit when he saw what she had in her hands. The rest of the family looked at the old urn curiously, and Soun’s eyes widened as well when he saw it.

“Ka-Kasumi, isn’t that…” He stuttered out. She smiled and nodded.

“Yes, this is Mother’s urn that she entrusted to me. It’s my heirloom…” Ranma was puzzled.

“I don’t get it Kasumi, why did you bring it down from your room?” Akane whirled on him.

“And how would you know it was in her room in the first place!? I knew it! You snuck into her room and probably did perverted things didn’t you!” She accused him in typical fashion. Ranma blinked, first wondering how she always came to these conclusions, and then wondering what “perverted things” counted as to her.

“Probably breathing in my case…” He thought to himself. He noticed Kasumi had started talking again.

“I’ve decided that keeping it where we can all see it would be better than leaving it in my room. You did mention that it would look nicer if everyone could see it Ranma, and it is a gift from Mother after all.” She explained cheerfully. Soun started weeping.

“Oh Kasumi! You make me so proud…” He trailed off and started speaking incoherently, and everyone, as always, tuned him out. Nabiki looked at the urn curiously.

“I wonder how much it’s worth…” She muttered. Ranma, Akane, and most of all Kasumi glared at her. She held up her hands to ward them off.

“Kidding! Kidding!” She said hastily. Kasumi nodded and set the urn on a small table.

“There, now we can all see it whenever we want!” She then looked over at Ranma. They hadn’t talked since the previous night’s incident, and she was unsure of how to broach the subject, as she was quite worried about him. He seemed all right, but still… Deciding to talk with him later, she went about clearing the table of dishes, and was pleasantly surprised to find them all already in the kitchen. Ranma rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

“Um, I kinda already cleared the table Kasumi, I hope you don’t mind. She smiled at him in thanks.

“Oh no Ranma! That was very sweet of you. Thank you.” She said, pleased and flattered that he would do something so considerate for her. Akane glared at him again.

“Pervert! Stop flirting with my sister!” She yelled as she pulled out the mallet. Ranma gulped and ran out the door into the backyard. Akane of course, gave chase. Kasumi looked on worriedly, while the others ignored the two squabbling “lovebirds.” Of course, as with anything in Ranma’s life, things had to get complicated. The wall exploded, and there was Ryouga, asking why he was in Nagasaki, before noticing Akane and his nemesis.

“Ranma! Prepare to die!” He roared as per usual. Soon the yard was a filled with hormonally charged martial artists of both genders. Ukyo, Kodachi, and Shampoo battled amongst themselves, While Akane, Ryouga, Mouse, and Kuno sought to inflict pain upon a pig-tailed blur who refused to let himself be hit. Weaving through all the various weapons that his assailants wielded, Ranma noticed that Kasumi was watching worriedly. Unfortunately, his lapse in concentration enabled Akane’s ever-present mallet to connect with his head, sending him flying through the doorway leading into the dining room, and right into the table upon which Kasumi’s heirloom sat. The results were predictable. The table was knocked over, and the urn began a descent to the floor. Kasumi watched it seemingly in slow motion as it tumbled towards oblivion. Ranma saw it too, and his eyes widened as he reacted with every ounce of speed he had. His hand lashing out at incredible speed…he was so close…


 He almost caught it. Almost… The urn struck the floor on its side, and shattered into dozens of pieces, and somehow, everyone heard it. They all stopped fighting and stood dumbly looking at the smashed green heirloom lying in pieces. Kasumi’s face was blank. Ranma watched her, feeling guilt so great that it seemed to choke the life out of him. Kasumi’s face seemed to almost twist into a scowl, but it stopped, and settled into an unreadable gaze that would make Nabiki proud, who was of course watching the events from the kitchen with a blank look on her own face. Akane herself was speechless, her mouth opened and closed several times, unsure of how to react to the fact that her Mother’s urn was lying in shards on the floor. Kasumi glanced at all present, causing them to flinch, and calmly walked up to the pieces, scooping them up in her apron, and walked upstairs, all eyes watching her go. Only Ranma saw her tears. Tears that shattered upon the ground. Shattered like her urn, shattered like her dreams…shattered like his heart…





Author’s Note’s: Well, that another chapter done. Sorry if it was a little depressing at times, but them’s the breaks. Anyway, please review…and I hope you liked the revision.