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Disclaimer: Harvest Moon belongs to Natsume, and certainly not me, because if it did, I would have let the player get married and have festivals in Save The Homeland.



Harvest Moon: Save The Homeland


“I Have To Smile…”


Part 2: “I Can Smile Again…”


By Gray



It had been a whole week since she had left…It was hard at times to get out of bed and do my work. Even when I did do the chores, it was difficult. My heart just wasn’t in farming. The other townspeople didn’t really seem to care that much. The only one who even seemed to notice her absence was Louis, and he just shrugged and said something about being braver for when she returned. Finally, one bright and sunny day, I went to the Goddess Pond to check on the flower, as I had done every day since I planted it. My head was down, and I dragged my feet, I had my hands in my pockets, and was looking and feeling quite dejected overall. Then, I looked up, expecting to see the stupid blue flower that I had gradually come to despise over the past week, and gasped. There, fluttering softly over the flower, was a blue butterfly. I ran over there so fast I swore my legs would come off. I peered closely at the butterfly, marveling at how beautiful it was. It seemed to ignore me, and I sat and stared at it for a few moments. I heard footsteps behind me, but paid them no heed. Probably just the Sprites, though the steps were heavier than those little guys. The person, whoever it was, stopped behind me, and I could hear their breathing. Slow and even. Then, I could have sworn I smelled the fragrance that she always wore. It was like flowers in Spring…

“I’m home…” A familiar voice said. Gasping, I turned and saw her standing there. She was as beautiful as always, and had that same simple and warm smile she always wore. In fact, if I didn’t know better, she looked as if she had never left at all.

“Lyla…” I whispered in awe.

“A beautiful blue butterfly…it came here…” She whispered. She was holding something I noticed. She saw my glance, and presented a bouquet to me. It was Pink Cat Mint, her favorite flower…

“They gave this to me…it’s a little wilted, but it’s the bride’s bouquet…” She was still smiling, but it looked a bit strained. I took the flowers wordlessly. I hadn’t said a thing the whole time practically. She walked over to take a closer look at the flower, though she looked up at the sky for a moment afterward.

“The bride was really pretty…” She smiled fondly.

“And I’d never seen Parsley look so handsome…” She giggled for a moment in remembrance, but stopped and sighed sadly.

“They were having the wedding when I got there to tell him how I feel…” She laughed lightly, though it wasn’t very cheerful sounding.

“How’s that for rejection…” She whispered. It all clicked for me then. I felt an odd mix of feelings at that moment, it was bizarre. I felt elation and joy that Parsley was no longer in the picture so to speak, but at the same time, my heart was heavy with regret and sadness for Lyla, who had her own heart cruelly broken. I didn’t know what to say…She sighed again and bowed her head a bit, her expressive pretty eyes were downcast and sorrowful… and at that moment, I wished she and Parsley had gotten together, if only so she would be happy…Pretty weird huh?

“You…wouldn’t mind…if I got depressed, for just a moment, would you…?” She asked quietly. I shook my head slowly. Suddenly, all the sadness and anger I had been keeping bottled up in me this past week just sort of dissipated. I just felt so bad for her…

“Oh wow! What a big butterfly!” A voice cried. Turning, Lyla and I saw Gwen and Kurt walk up.

“Oh, Gwen, Kurt, how are you two?” Lyla asked cheerfully, all smiles again. Yet I could see the sadness lurking in her face, it was just hidden well. Was this how she was whenever something bad happened? Did she keep it all inside like me?

“So this is the Azure Swallowtail? It’s kinda gaudy…” Gwen muttered. She turned to Lyla, and smiled slightly.

“Lyla…Welcome back…” She said.

“I’m home.” Lyla answered, the forced cheer still present in her voice. Gwen and Kurt didn’t notice.

“Well, tomorrow it’s back to work for me, I’m gonna do my best!” I wondered if Lyla was going to be okay… Gwen gave her the thumbs up and the two walked off, with Kurt following a moment later. I stared at the flower for a little longer, then watched as the butterfly flew off. I sighed and smiled at the setting sun.

“She’s back…” I whispered to myself. Turning, I headed for home, a smile on my face.


Author’s Notes: Okay, short again, but there should be one or maybe two more chapters to come.