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Crushed Dreams


A Crush is when one is infatuated with another


When one feels they would do anything for that person


I had a crush on someone


When I looked at her


It was as if the rest of the world melted away


And left only the two of us


Her simplest motions caught my breath and took it away


My heart would pound when she was in sight


And when she smiled….


The feeling I got was indescribable




I came to see that she didn’t really look at me


At least, not in the way I looked at her


And one cold, rainy, lonely night


I came to a painful, but obvious conclusion


It wouldn’t happen


Even if I did get up the nerve to talk to her


Ask her out


Or just smile at her


It wouldn’t work


She wouldn’t like me because my nose was too big, or my braces too ugly


Or some other reason out of the hundreds possible


She wouldn’t reject me in a cruel way mind you


No, she would smile ‘that” smile at me and tell me it wouldn’t work out


This would be even worse than her rejecting me cruelly


At least if she was venomous about it I would feel some anger


Some hate towards her


But if she rejected me kindly as I knew she would


My heart would hurt, but long even more


Oh much more


I guess that’s what they mean by a crush


That’s how you feel




But one has to grit one’s teeth and move on I suppose


Even when crushed


“Doubt and hesitation are terrible things. Never let them keep you from your dreams. Whatever they may be.”