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--Rambling Rants

Posted By:Poco (9-13-03): Ok, well, we're off schedule, duh. Uhh, there's more new stuff in the image gallery, and I'm harassing Gira for stuff for the writing gallery. We'll see what happens with the writing gallery. But yeah, I drew some stuff for the image/picture gallery thing. So BE HAPPY! I took time out of my schedule (*coughclassescough*) to draw you that crap... yay... Anyway, we have a banner up in the link section for anyone who wants to spread the love of GP, and if you want us to link you back, email us with your web-address ( ) And if you want us to email you, with a list of updated stuff; email us ( I know we really don't have a perfectly working out update schedule but I'm working on it, so you can either email us, and put in the "Subj: update?" or you can suck it up, and just check back on Fridays/Saturdays and Monday if we haven't updated on either Friday or Saturday. That's all I have to say to you kiddies, Enjoy.

Posted By: Gira(8/04/03)- Why is it that I never decide to update my rant when the comic updates? Just another one of lifes little annoyingly irratating mysteries I guess. So how bout I have succesfuly taught myself the art of speaking in 011000100110100101101110011000010111001001111001, but still have no idea why anyone would want to speak in 011000100110100101101110011000010111001001111001. I mean, its not usful at all as far as I can tell, in fact its a right pain in the ass, but then again... it confuses the all living hell out of people so I suposes there is a use for it after all. So now I guess I can really say I have lost any form of mind that I perviously held. Yep it just went flying out the car window and smashed against the person behind me's wind shield with a nice satisfieing SPLAT! But not as satisfiing as it could have been, had there been more to do the spalting with. But really, my geekdom is another story for another time. For now I think I'll rant on something else. I think I'm gonna start writing the poems for the book of "Killing Your Hit List" so that Poco might be inspired to draw the pics for it one day. All I have to do is pick out my top ten hated people from the list of doom, change their names so that they'll have no idea who I'm talking about, and come up with uniqly special ways to kill them all depending on why it is they have made my wonderful list of hatred and spite. Hee hee hee... it has 2 names now! woohoo! Oh and I came up with another brilliant idea for a picture book today: ::inster number here:: ways to ... incapasitate... someone with only a spork and a foot long piece of duck tape. ^_^;; 011010010010000001101110011001010110010101100100001000000110000 1001000000110100001101111011000100110001001111001

Posted By: Phish, (10/1/03) THis test makes me wonder, what is my evil twin and subcoious up to.. hmmmm
Be An Anime Character by mangacatgirl
Character Name
HairLong Green Wispy Hair
Fashion StylePirate Gear
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Questions, Comments, Concerns, Suggestions, or just plain wanna annoy us? EMAIL US!