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.:Silent Destiny:.

Hey, Curséd Cheetah here...AKA Katie..I call myself Curséd Cheetah now..since..people want to IM me and say that there Moon Fox...or Goth Fox...or Lunar Arcanine..So..Curséd Cheetah it is! Since I want to keep this layout my new site is .:Serraa Muun's Shrines's:.

Hiya! Katie here! If you don't know, yer a friggin Dumbass!! I'm The Boss Of This Whole RPG! So I decided to make a Sitey Witey out of it.. So, yeah..The RPG I'm in is So Funny and totally cool..So Yeah I decided to make a page of it and, all of These charas are cute and smart! If you dont like them..GO TO HELL! Anywhy..If fer any reason..yew want to contact me..My..E-mail address is at the bottom of this page. This Page is mainly about InuYasha, Digimon, PKMN, DragonBallZ, and Outlaw Star Fans, Plus..South Park o_o; This site also contains some of the other Chars the Other muns Rp. The Muns Are Me, Brianna, Jamie, and Patty. o_o; Okay, This site is halfway done..So..o_o; I will be adding a Mew page and Houndoom Page(Houndour's Dad) and a Cartman page. I got..Eevee's, Fairymon's Page done! YAY ME! Don't have Fun! Sad news..guys..Bryant..quit..the RPG and let His Sister..Brianna..take over his Charries in she Rps.. Houndour, Gatomon, and Flamedramon(These pages are coming soon..well 'Cept..Houndour..)I shall also be known as Lunar_Arcanine. Right clicking is banned from this Site.

Jaa Na! *_*

Quote Of The year

There is no quote of the week anymore..just a quote of the year..e_e; Just lemme put one lil' thing..and that quote will remain here until Angelfire shuts it down or..I die..or yoo die.. NeH? Here it is ! " Serraa Chibi Muun, Make Ahpuu ! " And "I'ma Spark Ya, Cuzz. Yoo Better Watch Out ! " ~Serraa Chibi Myuun And Curséd Cheetah

P.S. I'm no longer updating this site..! And why won't my Bradley sign on...?

Who's Your DBZ Guy?
Who's Your DBZ Guy?

What Type of Villain are You? / <º>

find your element at <º>

Take the What Type of Friend are You? quiz, and visit [Me.]

You are Heero Yuy. You are considered the Perfect Soldier and pretty much go through with missions as you are told or instinctly act on. You appear to be stone, but deep down there are emotions that help drive your actions.

find out here.

Find your Role-Playing Stereotype at [Angel.]

Take the Final Fantasy X personality test here! by
Which Cute-type are you?!?!

I'm Angelic Cute!!
made by Jen

I am Felicia!
I took the catgirl test by Meeki
Click here to take the test!

Take the Which Powerpuff Girl Are You? Test.
I'm Rogue
What X-Men Character are You?

You are Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky the Fourth
A strange and fun loving kid. You are an expert computer hacker and have all the really important, meaningful dialog in the series :).
Which Cowboy Bebop Character Are You?

Which cartoon character are you?? Find out @ blackhole
Who's your daddy?? Find out @ blackhole ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
