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Kawaii! ^_^
Written in the wee hours of the morning. Pass notes in class. Japanese. You're welcome. Interrogate me. Domo! ^_^

Take THAT, Fox News Channel! I shall smite Siskel and Ebert and throw them into the firey pit. Gohan-san in all his sexy yumminess. Hopefully my pics are kawaii and droolworthy. You Know You Love Gohan Too Much When... More fun than Celebrity Death Match. For all your DBZ sing-along needs. Decrease space on your hard drive! Don't leave me! *sniffle* ;_;

For those of you who have web graphics turned off or who can't see or click on the links for some reason, there are text links at the bottom of every page for your convenience. ^_^

Konnichiwa, minna-san! Welcome to the beginnings of my very first website, The Gohan Glomp, my shrine to teen Son Gohan. Worship, you! o_o I know it isn't much right now, but the page will be getting bigger and better as soon as I can think up new stuff. Plus, I'm new at HTML, so bear with me until I find out how to do everything. Gomen nasai! ;_;

: my bio : contact me : dictionary : thanks :

: news : reviews : gallery : fanart : ykylgtmw : gs vs. gs : lyrics : goodies : links :

DISCLAIMER: We didn't make DBZ. Dragonball Z, its characters, and related material are all © Akira Toriyama, Bird Studios/Shueisa, Toei Animation and with U.S. distribution rights by FUNimation. This website is non-profit, fan-run and for entertainment only. Anything listed as fanart, any writings here and the top-page graphics on this site are © Nico-chan and No-chan. Don't even think about taking any of our work and passing it off as your own. It's wrong, illegal and just plain mean! .V.

Booty © Teen Gohan