Welcome to

osmic lider's Ronin Links

links: Torrent's Paradise Silver Eagle Web Dais and Kento's Room Ronin Dimension Miracles RW/YST page Ronin Warriors.com Unrelated:------

Fan Works:
Favorite Links:
  • lycos htmlgear
  • Ronin Dimension Gateway
  • Dais and Kento's Room
  • Ronin Warriors.com

Unrelated Links:
Welcome to my links page. This is where I put links to places that hold a special place in my heart. These are links that I visit regularly, or just struck me with awe when I first found them. If you want to submit a link e-mail me here at cosmicglider@yahoo.com, leave a private message in the guestbook, or send me a private message on the message board and I'll look it over.

I hope you enjoy these links as much as I have!!



  • RoninWarriors.com-Contains series and character information, an extensive image archive, and an active community on Ronin Warriors fans consisting of well over 300 members.-built and hosted by Lady Cyra.
  • The Ronin Dimension [Version 5.0]-A really cool site containing series and character info., generous fan art and fan fiction galleries, and an extensive image archive.-built and hosted by Cora Jade.
  • Dais and Kento's Room-A site based on the Dais the Warlord of Illusion and Kento of Hardrock. Many cool features such as ask Shuten and a very extensive Fan Fiction collection.-built and hosted by Daala.
  • Shades Temple
  • The Ronin Zone-A Ronin site with lots of cool stuff to try out.



  • Glomped.com-a links page where all Ronin and YST sites unite.


Message Boards

All images and ideas are copyrighted by their respective owners. If any of your images are posted here and you don't like it, please e-mail me at here at cosmicglider@yahoo.com and I'll remove it as soon as I can.