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Hello and thanks for coming to this brand new site of mines. It is called Gamerz Anime if you don't already know. Anyway this site is kinda a fan based one so most of the images aren't owned by me. They belong to their respective companies. Umm, that's about it.


Hmm, this site is a site where I have different games and anime that I think are really cool. Also, in the games section, there are like some tips and all kinda stuff for begginers and pros. Anyway, this layout is a drawing that one of my friends drew for me so I decided to use it as a layout. The character is © of Kalani. I don't really know who the character is but I think that he freehanded it.. meaning that he didn't take it off of a already drawn picture. So don't take that drawing. That seems about it so get browsin.


Dragon Ball Z
Gundam Wing
Outlaw Star


Final Fantasy X
Yu-Gi-Oh Forbidden Memories
Time Crisis 2
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Final Fantasy VIII