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Moonshayde & Nepion's
Realm of the Unknown

Welcome to the realm of Gail Moonshayde (AKA Gaia)& Tara Nepion, aspiring artists and authors. People who are fans of anything that is just Plain Silly are welcome here. Even if you are an old fuddy duddy, you're welcome here too.
Enter and see what there is to see.
Okay, I am very sorry, but till further notice there will be no more updates on my manga. I'm afraid I no longer have a working scanner. Not that anyone reads this that I'm aware of. You get the first two installments until further notice. Enjoy. Fanfiction will still be updated at random intervals.

~~~Gail's Stuff~~~

Manga: Star Warrior Adventures
Fanfic: Slayers Energy
Chaos Factor 9

~~~Tara's Stuff~~~
Fanfics: Dragon Chronicals

FanComics Corner

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Gail Moonshayde
Tara Nepion
(Site copyright of Stephanie Sweeney, friend of the Sanity Stealing Penguins)