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So, you want to become an affiliate, huh?

Well, you need to have:
An e-mail
A site(duh)(no closed sites, or coming soon sites)
No Hit requirement(but your site can't be dead)
A cool site(some info, pics, ect)
A cool layout
-Now, don't think of affiliation as a way to get hits, or publicity, because it isn't, affiliation is a way to help visitors find other sites with the same type of content quickly, or let them find other info they wany, that one site may not have. So, if you think you meet the requirements(which you should, they are easy) then fill out the form below and submit it.

What is your site name?
What is your email address?
What is your site URL?
What is your name?
What is the ulr of your button(Must be 88x15 or 88x31)