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Hi! I made another page! If you want to put a Fic up remember to email me!!!!!.
Judges Angel Jesskid

Summit your Fanfics

1.title of your fanfic

2.has to be S+S,E+T,C+Z (has to be either of them or I won't put it up!) Well okay it could be not romance but just no mixed like S+E or C+S or nothing like that

3.Tell me if its finished

4. has to be html or txt

5.give me your summary

6. Send it to:

Where Do We Go From Here?

Summary: Just as Sakura and Li start getting along an evil man comes to Reedington and he's after Sakura. Can Sakura keep him from hurting her friends to get to her and avoid getting killed in the process? What about her and Li? Will it help bring them closer, or farther apart? S&L/S&S! ^_~ The Genre os Romance/Action/Adventure and I rate it PG13

Chapter One(new!)

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four(new!)

Chapter five(new!)

Chapter six(new!)

Chapter seven(new!)

Chapter eight(new!)

Chapter Epilogue(new!)

The Hypnotising People

One Shot
Forbidden Love


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Love Until Death

Summary: Sakura and Li confess their love to each other, but soon a new student tries to keep them apart. Will their love survive and last forever? or will the new student suceed and keep them apart?

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

What Will You Sacrifice

A evil scorcerer that tries to kill sakura but im giving away the story here you go oh and theres 10 chapter

Chapter One

Star Misstriss
Chapter one Page One Page Two

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