
Date Update
7/14/03 I've uploaded some Shamanic Princess music, added some new spells in the incantation section, and added some new definitions in the dictionary.
7/13/03 I've added 5 more links to the linkage section and finally opened up the Miscellaneous page! ^_^ So far there are polls, winamp skins, and gifs! I also opened up the video page in Lena's Media Garden.
7/12/03 I've added Lena's incantation lines in Japanese. Thanks goes to Pharaoh90@wowway.com for sending them to me! Domo! I also added more to the site info page.
7/9/03 All right! I decided to finally get off my lazy derriere and update! Sorry for not updating sooner! I have no excuses. Anyway, I added a Q's & A's section and a Site Info section in Kagetsu's Other Section. I fixed two broken links in the Linkage section: one for That Anime Page With no Name and the other for Tiara's Dimension. I've also added a webcounter! ^_^ Yatta! And I put the Fanpage up, but there's nothing there right now since nobody's sent anything (fanart, fanfics, etc) in yet. Send stuff peeples! haha. I know it says music videos, but it means written ones, where you write the lyrics to the song and the actions that go on between the characters. Ah, I'll explain it all later in the fanpage section. ^^;; For now, Ja ne!
2/22/02 I uploaded this site to the internet